Song of Healing

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Wild was alone in the camp the others had to go scout a new location for camp as they were recently attack and they were exposed. He sighed wishing he didn't volunteer to stay. Wild unhooked the sheikah slate and looked for something to entertain him preferably a fire starter of some kind. He looked but stoped on his mask collection and started at his newest mask. The face of a hylian but the same marks as Time the only difference was they were gold in color. In strand's of blue light the mask formed Wild looked at it as he remembered how it was made.

"Hey where in my Hyrule!" Wilds excited voice cut the groans of the sickly heros. "Yeah yeah give us a minute" Legends muffled voice said as he laid fave first in the soft dirt. "Aww come on can't you get up faster" Wind whined kicking their legged playfully "sorry sailor not all of use are used to the portal's after affects" Twilight whizzed his breath slowly returning to normal. After a few minutes of head spinning nausea the boys where finally healthy enough to continue traveling. Wild unhooked the slate and cheeked the map and gasps "Where near hateno village I can show you my house!" Hus joyous voiced sequeled like a child who received candy. "You have a house?" Legend winced his voice sounding more shocked than he intended but calmed down when Wild gave no response. "Yeah what did you think I lived under a rock?" He joked not noticing the guilty faces of some of their members "Anyway come on!" He grabbed the nearest link who happend to be Twilight who grabbed the nest how did the same as Wild draged them through the village to his house a big grin on his scarred face.

"So that's it" Wild finished his little tour of his modest home. But ignored the weapons on his wall when Four asked about them all he said was 'they've serviced their master's for to long they deserve to rest now' His ominous tone killed of any remaining curiosity. "Anyway if you need me I'll be outside with Bolson, bye!" He left quickly to talk to the man at the tree in his front yard. "Don't do anything stupid" Was all Time said before he fell asleep on Wild couch his armor somehow magically left his body, replaced with a comfortable set of clothes. "I'm going up stairs" Wind races up the stairs Four going after him to make sure he didn't accidently distroy something important. "I'm going outside to" Twilight said "Me to" Sky added wanting to sleep under Wilds apple tree in the soft warm breeze. "Well I guess it's just us" Warriors said pulling a seat out for him and legend "Yeah-" Legend was cut of by tripping on a lose tile Warriors laugh doing nothing but embarrassing him. "Huh what's this" Legend pulled the tile out and showed a small chest under it. "Wait we shouldn't open this it's an invasion of privacy and we just got Wild comfortable enough to actually sleep near the fire" Warriors reasoning lessened Legends curiosity but not enough to convince him.

After a few minutes of whisper argument and a smug legend opened the box to reveal a mask "That's it" Legends disbelief was clear "Yeah that's it now put it back" The two jumped at the louthfull voice. They turn a d saw Wild his face unreadable a d eyes dull "We-were sorry Wild" Warriors bowed and forceably bowed Legend. Wild closed the box and sighed "It's okay just never open this box again okay?"  They nodded quickly not wanting to ruin the fragile trust that took mouths to build. "C-can you atlest tell us about it" Legend was walking on thin ice but his curiosity got the better of him. Wild had a thoughtful look on his face before he lowers his head voice barely audible "Okay but only when the others come back" Legend mentally thanked the gods for this he senced a powerful aura from the mask and wanted to know more.

"So I promised vet and the cap to explain something I have keep hidden but only when everyone was here" Wild began the links were now cought up to speed on the recent event that went in during their apcents. "This mask is something I made soon after the end of my journey When I sang a song called the SONG OF HEALING on central tower" The link were stunned. Time even more so he knew that song could release troubled spirit of their worries but at a cost they would turn into masks themselves just how many spirits are in that mask. "Could you sing the song Wild" Wind asked softly scared of the tence atmosphere that came with the songs mention "Of course, but only if we're all good with it" Sky Hyrule and warriors nodded they've never heard of the song and we're excited Sky more than the other's he's heard Wild sing to a great fairy when they were injured and sperated from the others. The others nodded reductively. Wild took a deep breath and started to sing "spirits of child of hero of dear friends, Solaced by music when their lives meet an end"  Some of their eximent left at the mention of death wasn't this a song of healing? "This song will cause them to rest in memories, Drifting with thoughts for their past families" They perked up at this happy that the song mentioned a peaceful departure. "This is a soft kiss this is a remembrance of who I was before I meet this fate, In this song find the peace to release me" they smiled softly it was tradition in Hyrule when someone died the people they left behind would make peace so that their loved ones could leave happy "Face to mask eyes to glass I'm not who I was suddenly my body dissolves into dust, My own face is replaced with a magic mask" 'Okay that took a dark turn fast' Legend thought noticing how some of the links tence at this mention "Take it and use it that is all I ask, One day a hero will bear my resemblance" Times eye widened at this line it was just like what the spirits say when he first turned them into masks "He will Bring honor to the name I carried, he will finished the task and heal my soul." Wild finished the masks glowed and formed a man one eerily familiar to Time "Master" The man said and kneeled down for wild "Deity you don't need to kneel you know that" Wild said softly embarrassed at the act "Okay master" The man stood up revealing his frame of nine feet strong mussels and golden armor with silver plating on his chest knees and arms "Everyone meet Holy Deity the mask I created"

Wild giggled softly at the memory he had to explain everything and how deity was good and served him and was loyal beyond all doubt. "Well Wild you look lovely as ever" deity said and kissed his cheek. "What had you giggling so cutely" Wild blushed and claimed into his lap resting his head on his shoulder. "Just thinking about the time I showed you to the others" deity laughed "sweetheart that was 5 mouths ago" Wild nodded buried his head into deity's neck "I know" With that he fell asleep. And that's how the boys came back finding Wild in the arms of his lover peacefully asleep.

A/N: The song Wild sang all credits go to Alice Flare and Zelda chick go cheek them out.

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