Hex Girls

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Warning this chapter contains transgender characters if you find this topic not to your liking please don't be rude and ignore this.

It's been a few years since Wild ran away after the fight Wild couldn't stand being in that abusive household. "Wild, are you excited for our tour?" Dusk asked. Wild nodded thumb brushing an envelope. "Should I even send this to them we didn't end things well." She thought out loud. "I say do it if your folks are still hung up about you being trans then it's their fault, not yours." Tetra said hand on her hips. Wild inhaled deeply. "Okay I'll send it to them."


Twilights notifications went off taking his phone out of his pocket he grinned.

The Hex Girls will hold a concert in Castle Town

Rushing downstairs he shouted "Mom Dad Look." Time and Malon stopped their chores curious at what made their eldest son so energetic. Malon gasped and Time's eyes widened. "I know things with Wild haven't been the best but can we please go see her concert." Twilight asked softly. "Yes of course." Malon said her eyes watering. "When does her concert start?" Time asked. "A week from now, Tickets are available tomorrow." Time nodded "Tomorrow Malon and I will go buy tickets." Twilight grinned happy for the chance to go see his sister. "Go help your brothers with their chores now dear." Malon said her voice raspy. "Okay" Twilight kissed her cheek and walked outside.

"Do you think Wild even wants to see us?" She asked once the door was closed. "I'm not sure but we can try to rekindle our relationship with her," Time hugged his wife, "It's the least we could offer after what we did to her." Malon said nothing only holding her husband tighter. Even to this day her actions haunt her.

"What's got you so giddy?" Legend asked brows furrowed. "Mom and Dad are going to take us to see Wild." The click of farm tools hitting the ground was the only sound to be heard. "Really?!" Wind the youngest yelled. He was to young to remember his only sister he only grew up on the stories shared about her. "Are you sure Wild would even want to see us?" Sky asked hesitantly. "Yeah, I'm not sure Wild would even want to see us." Warriors said. "We weren't exactly the most supportive." Four said. "Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Wild told security to keep us out." Hyrule added. "Look I know we haven't been nice but this is Wild were talking about She'd try to befriend demise if you'd let her." Twilight said.

He wasn't wrong Wild was always forgiving She'd always try to make friends.

"When do we go?!" Wind asked jumping up and down. "The concert is next week Wind you'll see her soon." Twilight replied fondly. "Okay I can't wait to meet her." He said. "Come on we spent enough time messing around mom is gonna tan our hides if we don't get these chores done soon." With that the six boys hurried to finish their respective chores.

Wild was getting her outfits ready when she was interrupted with a knock at her door. "Come in!" She shouted. "Wild how do you feel?" Dusk asked. "Fine, why?" She responded. "It's just I worry that your family may not have changed and you'll be heartbroken again." Dusk said hugging Wild from behind. "Even if they haven't changed I'll have my closure. For better or worse Dusk I will know what my family thinks of me." Wild said placing her hands on Dusks. "Okay but if they stay the same me and the girls are here to help you." Kissing Wild on her head Dusk walked out.

"Thank you, Dusk"

"Everyone get ready bus leaves in 10!" Flora said rushing out of the room. "Athena, do you have an extra cable mine looks broken." Wild said. "In the storage closet Dot will know where they are." Athena replied. "Has anyone seen Aurora and Fable have gone too?" Dawn asked. "Their off to buy new mattresses they should be done by now." Sun said. Flora rushed back in "Everyone head to the bus we leave in 3!" She rushed back out. Following their hectic manager the girls put their items away and got staled in for the two day drive.

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