Deathly Loneliness Attacks

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TW: failed suicide attempt and suicidal actions if you are sensitive to this stuff please don't read but if your okay with this stuff then keep reading also don't say I didn't warn you

The Great Plateau said to be where the kingdom began and the place where Hyrule's hero rested for 100 years need less to say this place held great significance to the people of Hyrule but sadly with the tragedy of the great calamity the Great Plateau became isolated no one dared enter the once prosperous area... That was until a group of heros thrusted into a new quest to stop a infection landed in the forest of the Plateau "Uhh, when are we?" One groaned his pink hair standing out greatly "Where definitely not in my Hyrule I can't smell the ocean" A small boy with a white lobster patterned shirt said "Not mine either" Another small boy said only this one had a multi-color shit on "Well our first course of action should be to figure out when we are and to set up camp" The oldest looking one said "How about that tower?" A scarf wearing adolescent said "Are you sure that's a tower?" a old teenager said his facial markings sticking out agents pale skin. "Well it does look like one maybe it's magic?" A soft voice spoke out "Well whatever it is it's the only landmark big enough to be spotted form anywhere so let's go" The others nodded and started the track to the tower.

On the tower blue strands descended and swirled into a Hylian male his scars sticking out in the moon light. The boy sighed and unhooked a small rectangular stone form his hips bringing it to his face he taped a few times and his outfit changed form a blue and white tunic and brown pants and boots to a white gown and leather sandals. The gown was long easily covering the boy from all eyes as it pooled around his feet the sleeves were similar with a small hole for the wears middle finger. Jewelry and ties materialized form blue strands and the boy quickly put on the jewelry and started to tie his side-burn in a turquoise tie. Once he finished he sighed once more and began to sing.

"No matter how you live your life, your breathing everyday"

As the boy began to sign 8 people walked out of the forest their ears twitched as they heated the boys singing.

"Depending on somebody else to lead you on your way, but even if they disappear your breathing all the same"

The eight now at the bottom of the tower leaned agents it listen to the beautiful voice sign it's song

"Cause all you do is drag along whomever keeps you safe"

"What does he mean drag along don't they want to be with him?" Wind asked not getting an answer.

The boy at the top of the tower pauses remembering his times and a newly born spirit and the freedom he has lost.

"The people who I cherished and the people I forgot, relationship that came and went without another thought, although I felt an inkling this is not how things should be, I guess I didn't know a single thing"

The heros at the bottom of the tower started to get the dark message this song holds

"Whatever anyone may say I know I've always been this way, as I evert my gaze away form bonds I've severed to this day"

'This song was strangely like a song a hero would sing a song about the trials and looses they have faced in their time'. They all thought

"Even I cry when I'm alone, even if nobody will know, cause deathly Loneliness strikes on its own"

Slowly Twilight started to pice it together his memory was fuzzy but he could recall someone who face similar challenges. He started to climb the tower.

"For all the people feelings that I throw off the the side, although I knew I needed them I kept myself in line, the punishment for running from my duty all those times has tightened all around my chest and now begins to bite"

The others now realizing the weight behind the words of the song began to climb to hoping to stop what they fear might come to pass.

"Before I know it, something in my heart begins to change, I wish I had somebody else to spend my every day, my body feels so numb as I succumb to prickly pain, I realize now that solitude is not a strength"

Twilight now getting memory's form his past here in this time started to climb faster 'please, please let me get there in time'

"Whatever words I said out loud, I know there's now returning now and yet again I tell myself 'It's fine because it can't be helped' no matter just how much I cry, no one will be there by my side, the cracks within my heart run deep with time"

Twilight now climbed up to the middle of the tower pauses looking down he sees the others slowly making there way up to him. Wordlessly he keeps climbing.

"So that it wouldn't break, so that I wouldn't break, although my hands were shaking I still tired to keep it safe, oh, what a smile feeling and I still failed to comprehend, I held to tight and it broke to pieces in the end"

The boys was now shedding tears moving his hand to his chest he kept signing

"Hugging my knees, I cry in vain knowing that not a thing will change, no one will answer to my useless cry's that echo in this room even the silence of the night, even the veil of the moonlight won't erase, won't erase what I try to escape and that's the truth"

As he sung this part of the song images of those he failed flashed in his mind of the zora princess, the rito champion, the goron brother, the gerudo chief and the princess of Hyrule

"There's no way I can say all the words hid away, so deathly Loneliness has followed me to this day"

The boy finished his song and stepped to the edge of the tower stopping to take in his final view...he took a step ready to fall but arms wrapped around him stoping his decent "I'm sorry please don't do this" He gasped hearing a voice be thought was long gone slowly turning his head he saw a teary Twilight "Please tell me your actually hear, please tell me this isn't a dream" he pleaded "It's me and I promise I'll never let you go again... Wild" Wild turned and hugged his friend "I'm tired Twilight so, so tired I don't know how long I can stay awake please help me" he pleaded "It's okay Wild you can rest now I'll protect you" Wild nodded and rested his head near Twilight's heart the sound of another person life force soothing him to sleep.

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