Cooking competition

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(A/N) TrashQueen132 I hope this is good I haven't finished yet so please tell me what you think.

"Wild why are we doing this again" Sky asked from behind a kitchen counter. "Well if something should happen to me and I can't cook I want to make sure that you guys can eat so whoever makes the best dish will be my replacement Incase I can't cook okay?" Wild said as he handed out a recipe for the links "You each will make a batch of cookies, and please try your best I don't want to eat burnt dough." The boys nodded and got to work "Alright this seems simple enough" Time said as he got out the cooking utensils. "Oh I get it" Wind got out a pan and bowl. "What the fuck does 'wet dough' mean?" Legend said. "What is 3 teaspoons?" Sky asked.

Wild started walking around cheeking in on the others to view their progress so far nothing got burned down. "Hey Time how are things going?" Wild asked stopping on Times area "So far I understand most of the recipe, but what is a teaspoon?" Wild blinked and sighed "Each utensil I gave you guys has a label look for the one that says teaspoon" Time blinked before looking at his utensils and low and behold the teaspoon was right their. "Oh sorry" Time scratched the back of his neck nervously. Wild chuckled "It's okay. Bye now I'm gonna check on the others" Time waved and got back to baking.

"Hey Sky how we doing?" Wild asked startling the Hero "Ah, Wild you scared me. So far I'm confused but I think I got it" Wild looked at the bowl with a pleased expression "Yeah you got the first part right. Any questions?" Sky looked at the recipe before handing it to Wild "I don't have a pan for the oven" Wild blinked before looking at the recipe and saw he missed the pan for the oven "Oh sorry I'll go get it" He rushed to the cabinets and pulled out a pan. "Here. Now I have to go call if you need anything" Wild handed the recipe back and walked to the next link.

"Hey Hyrule what's cooking." Wild said slowly dreading the fact he let HYRULE of all people in the kitchen. "Not so good Wild" Hyrule said coughing up smoke. "What happened" Wild asked not wanting to burn down something for the first time in his rememberable life. "Umm I think I burn the dough and the toppings and everything" Hyrule's voice got lower and lower until it was barely above a whisper. Wild took a deep breath "Okay I'll try and fix this so Waite outside please" Hyrule left faster than legend with his pegasus boots. "Aright I fixed it but I want revenge now" Wild heald up to sliced of bread and but Hyrule in between them "Now What. Are. You" he said "An idiot sandwich" Wilds burning expression softened as he kissed Hyrule's forehead "Okay now got sit down I'll make you something when we're down okay?" Wilds voice was soft and eased Hyrule's nervousness. "Okay" he said and walked to a chair.

"Hey Wind what's going on..." Wild trailed off as he saw Winds kitchen. They was dough everywhere suger and wild berry's scattered across the floor and in the middle of it all was a laughing Wind "Oh Wind~" Wilds voice sent chills down Winds spine as he slowly turned his head to see a restrained Wild "You will clean up this mess and when your down you are disqualified" Wind nodded so fast his head turned into a blur. Contrary to popular belief it was Wild the links feared to anger while it was hard to even get him angry once he was it was painful to the point even Legend didn't dare provoke him. "Goon now when I come back I better see this kitchen spotless"

"Hey Wars is everything good?" Warriors turned form the oven and nodded to Wild "yeah I got this it was part of light training to at least be able to make a decent meal." He said as the timer beeped signifying the cookies where done baking "Well I hope you have the skill to back up your claim. Bye" Wild left to the next boys kitchen.

"What the fuck is a ' three fourths of a cup of water!?!" Was the first thing Wild heard as he entered Legends area "Leg what in the name of Hylia are you doing." The veterin froze his fire rod still hiring the recipe and the rest of his 'baking' "Wild I don't understand even a single thing on this list how the fuck do you do this" he groaned. "Well for starters I would have read the recipe instead of throwing it away, secondly I would have done what time did and get the utensils out, and thirdly I would have not burned everything." Wild deadpanned to Legend "I don't care I rather you do the cooking than trying to teach us." Legend walked away "Ill just stick to your cooking thanks" 'well so much for that' Wild thought as he left the area

"Hey Twi how you doing!" Wild said happy to be reunited with his mentor and the one who he would bet on that knew the most about cooking. "Hey cub I'm just about done just waiting on the cookies to cool off" Twilight said pointing to the cookies in the window. "I'm impressed I hope their good, anyway do you need anything?" Twilight thought about it before shaking his head "Nah I don't need anything" Wild nodded "Aright bye!" He smiled to his mentor and left for the last link

"Hey four you ready" Four looked up form the recipe "Yeah I'm done just making sure I didn't miss anything" Wild nodded "Okay well you have Five minutes left before you present the food to me. Bye" Wild left Four to his thoughts as she set up the judgers table.

"Okay now that everyone is done who would like to go first" Wild said seated on the chair. "Umm why are Hyrule, Wind, and Legend behind you?" Sky asked "Oh Hyrule and Legend burned everything and Wind made me snap so" Wild shrugged as the others shivered a snapped Wild was scary even though it only happens once it was enough to scare them. "So who wants to go first?" Four walked up and presented his tray to Wild. Wild took a bite of the cookie he hummed in approval. "Good job Four" Four released a sigh as the tension on his body melted away and he walked away "Next" Sky was up next as he presented his tray of cookies. Wild took one and ate it. "Hmm it's bland but far better that what you guys usually do" Sky blushed at the praise happy that one with Wild's standards for cooking complimented him. "Next" Warriors came up next. Wild took a bite of the cookie he hummed "good Not as bad as I would have expected, but I can taste some uncooked dough besides that it's a good cookie just leave it in the oven for longer" Warriors nodded happy that that was his only mistake. "Next" Time came up his looked the most appealing to eat. Wild took a bite and gave a pleased humm "Great job so far this is the best I had" Time similed "Next" Twilight was last but his looked and smelled good so Wild had high hopes for his. "Hmm this is delicious you and Time are tied so we have our winners Time and Twilight." Wild and the others clapped for the pair. "Oh yeah while you guys were baking I made some of my own cookies have some" Wild motions to the table on the back filled with different verities of cookies. The Chain rushed their and ate like starved animal's. Wild chuckled happy that his family loves his cooking so much.

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