I ignored everyone and continued to live my life the way I wanted.

But as the weeks came and went, things started turning into more of a nightmare than reality. I noticed that Amaya wasn't getting any better, and that made me worry.

I tried thinking of positive thoughts but I couldn't cause I knew Amaya was getting worse.

I tried focusing on work as much as I could, just to keep my mind from killing itself.

As I was working on a car inside the shop, I heard tires squeak from outside. I looked around as everyone else did to before seeing Alina running into the shop, calling my name.

When she saw me, she rushed to me before explaining to me that the ambulance took Amaya to the hospital. I panicked, then instantly told my boss that I was leaving and I clocked out.

I didn't bother taking my Jeep, and I got into the car with Alina before leaving the shop.

The ride there was filled with panick and nerves completely shot. I looked over at Alina as she was explaining the situation, making my heart beat like crazy in my chest.

"She just turned pale and passed out. She still had a pulse, but it was very faint. I was screaming and panicking when I called the ambulance. I told them to hurry as fast as they can, then I came to get you."

"Thank you for coming to get me." I said.

"Of course.. I'm sorry for what I said about you. I was just worried, and I didn't mean to say those harsh things to you."

"I understand. Kate has been basically saying the same thing."

As I looked out the window, I couldn't stop shaking as I thought about Amaya. I wanted to fly to the hospital to get there faster cause my mind was going insane.

"She's ok." I kept telling myself, hoping I was right.

The feeling I had in my stomach was proving me otherwise.

When we finally made it to the hospital, Alina parked then we both got out. I saw her rush towards the building, and I tried keeping up but she was a lot faster than me.

We made it inside, and when she found out where Amaya was, we rushed towards the elevator and the silence took over once the doors closed.

Alina was standing off the the side, and I could tell she was a nervous-wreck. I tried not thinking about any negative thoughts once the elevator doors opened, and we stepped out.

We went down the hall towards another desk, and Alina stopped to talk to them. I stood there, looking around until Alina turned towards me. "We can't go see her right now, so we have to go to the waiting room."

I followed her to a waiting room, and I looked around at everyone as they were sitting. I saw Alina walk away as she was in her own head, and I stepped towards the window to look out.

My heart was pounding and my mind was racing as I took the view in from above. I saw the cars drive by on the road below, making everything look small since we were on the fourth floor.

No matter how hard I tried keeping my mind off of all these thoughts that seem to consume me, they always come back.

I messaged Katie a few minutes before we got here and explained the situation. She told me to let her know something whenever I found anything out, and I told her that I would.

After staring out the window for the last several minutes, I decided to walk around the halls to clear my mind. I looked back over at Alina as she was sitting down with her head in her hands as I walked out of the room.

Forbidden Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now