Chapter 2: Deal?

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Fry drove them along; Thomas was guiding him using his map. Newt and Joanna were sat in the back seats.

"I can't imagine what they're doing to Minho right now." Newt whispered.

"They definitely know that we are coming for him. Or at least, I know that Janson will now know; So I know that they will keep him alive, to give us hope in coming to get him." Joanna sighed.

They drove past a big sign on the side of the road.

"2 miles until a Mandatory Infection Check unit." Joanna read out, "Let's hope this place isn't crawling with Cranks."

Newt rubbed his arm and Joanna watched him. They made eye contact.

"We will fix it." Joanna whispered to him and held his hand, gently.

Newt nodded at her and tried to squeeze her hand but winced in pain. She frowned at him.

They followed the road and made it to the Infection Check unit. Cars were abandoned...well the whole place was abandoned. Fry drove, slowly, towards a tunnel. He stopped the car and everyone got out to look at the tunnel.

"Huh." Joanna chuckled and shook her head looking into the dark abyss.

"We are going in there?" Newt said and looked at Thomas. "I don't wanna be too negative here, okay... if I was a crank, that's exactly where I would go."

"It is the only way." Thomas frowned and put the map down.

They all looked into the tunnel. Crows crowed all around them and they could hear faint screaming from cranks.

"I am driving." Joanna said and turned to the truck.

"I get shotgun." Newt smiled and followed her.


Joanna drove through the tunnel slowly and turned on the truck lights. Newt turned on a torch and used it to look around them.

"No turning back?" Joanna questioned herself.

"Just go nice and slow." Newt reassured her.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah." Thomas tapped on Joanna's shoulder and she stopped the truck.

There was a crank in front of them. It obviously hadn't seen them yet as it was looking else where.

Joanna looked at the boys and then at Thomas, "It's okay, it is just one. Just take it slow and go round it. We will be fine." Thomas smiled at her.

"Take it fucking slow." Joanna mocked him, quietly.

Newt turned off his torch and did up his window. Joanna was about to move the truck when Thomas jumped back. Everyone jumped and looked to see a woman, who was quite clearly infected, staring at them.

"Help me, let me in. Please. Just let me in." The woman begged, she was smiling and Trying to open the door.

"Joanna. GO!" Thomas shouted as more cranks started to bang on the truck windows.

"Holy shit!" Joanna shouted and put her foot down on the gas.

A crank jumped onto the bonnet of the truck and started whacking it's head into the glass.

"Shake it, Joey!" Newt shouted.

"Hang on!" Joanna shouted and she wiggled the steering wheel. The crank fell to the side of Joanna and she rammed the car left, making it get smashed into another car, knocking it off.

"YES JOANNA!" Thomas cheered, looking back. He turned back to look front, "WATCH OUT!"

Joanna tried to dodge the massive dip that was in their way but she failed and the truck ended up tipping over. The truck was upside down.

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