Part 2 Chapter 1: Others?

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"Joanna," She heard a boys voice call to her. She was in a white hallway looking out a window. "Joanna, you have to go now! They're going to put you in the trial!" She turned to look at the boy. Thomas.

"I know." She simply replied and looked back into the window. She saw the reflection of herself. Her face was clear, no scars. She looked... clean.

"Joey! You need to run!" Thomas pulled her into him so she was looking at him.

"It's okay, Thomas." she shook her head and rested her hand on his cheek. "I have see how to survive it. I will know what to do."

"You won't remember? You won't remember anything!" Thomas cried out. "Why did you do it?"

"I had to, I couldn't watch my friends, my brothers be tested on anymore." Joanna sighed and ran her fingers over his hair, softly.

"Joanna." They heard a woman's voice call them. They turned around to see she was wearing white clothes and had blonde hair.

"It's time to go." She called out. Two guards were behind her, ready to grab Joanna.

"Bye, Tommy." Joanna whispered to him and started to walk away.

"Such a waste." The woman tutted at her. "We had big things planned for you."

"I couldn't watch people die anymore." Joanna growled at her. "I couldn't watch you kill them."

"I didn't kill them. Trust me this is all for the greater good!" The woman protested.

"Let me guess. Wicked is Good?" Joanna asked.

'Wicked is good' echoed through Joanna's thoughts.
She faintly heard a rumbling noise and someone calling her name. It got louder and louder.

"JOANNA!" Newt shouted out, waking her up. "WAKE UP WE HAVE TO GO!"

She looked around to see it was dark, but the helicopter had landed and everyone was running for a big building with lights. She quickly jumped up and started to run with them. She heard shrieks all around her. They was running on sand, the wind was rough, flicking it into their faces.

"CRANKS!" She heard a man shout out and gun fire started to sound with it.

They ran as a group into the building that they was guided into. She turned around and watched Thomas run in. The big doors behind them started to close. The gun fire stopped and the whirling of the wind also stopped as they shut completely.

"What the hell?" Thomas whispered looking around.

There was men walking all around them. Shouting various things. One man started to walk towards them.

"Come with us." He said and they all followed to a room that had random supply boxes in it and a bench table that had bread, water and a few other pieces of food on it.

The man locked the door and they listened as his footsteps faded. None of them touched the food. They wasn't hungry.

"Can you actually believe we made it out?" Minho mumbled to the group.

The group stayed quiet and looked at him, unsure if they could believe it or not.

"Don't think about it too much. We are out and have been taken here. We don't know what this place is yet, so don't settle in too much." Joanna replied after a while. Everyone nodded at her. She was right.

They still didn't know where they are and if they're safe. They just knew they was out the Maze.

They heard footsteps approach and the door opened revealing a guard. He looked to his left and a man with grey hair walked in, smiling.

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