Chapter 8: Revenge is coming.

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Thomas walked over to them and had a small smile on his face. He sat down next to Joanna.

"I wish Ably could have seen all this." Newt frowned, looking at all the people.

"And Winston." Fry added on.

"And Chuck." Thomas whispered, looking at the sculpture that Chuck had created of himself.

"And Gally..." Joanna whispered to herself.

"He would be proud of you, you know, Tommy." Newt smiled at Thomas.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"They would all be proud of us." Joanna smiled. "I know, I am."

"Hey, Aris!" Fry called down to him and waved at him.

"Hey, guys!" He shouted back and waved.

"I like that kid." Fry smiles to the group.

"Yeah... Still don't trust him, though." Minho joked.

"Where's Teresa?" Thomas asked them.

"Up there." Newt replied and they all looked at Teresa who was standing on the mountain ledge, looking into the distance.

Thomas nodded and walked off to talk to her.

Joanna watched him walk off and then looked at Teresa. Something made her stomach drop and she looked back to the group. She started to bounce her legs and fidget with her fingers.

"What's wrong, Joey?" Minho nudged her.

They all watched her.

"Something doesn't feel right." Joanna mumbled to them.

"We are finally safe. Just try to relax." Fry smiled at her.

Joanna didn't say anything, she just looked in the distance. Minho and Newt shared a look. They knew all to well, that when Joanna felt certain things or felt like something was going to go wrong, she was always right about the feelings she got.
Joanna looked at Thomas and Teresa who were talking to each other. She didn't know what she felt, whether it was jealousy or something else, but to her, something wasn't right.

"I can't believe that lucky, son of a bitch, got put with all girls!" Fry exclaimed, looking at Aris.

"Yeah..." Newt laughed.

"I only needed my girl." Minho smiled at Joanna.

Joanna smiled at him but she really couldn't wash away the feelings that something was going to go wrong.

"I am going to go and think for a bit." Joanna said and she stood up, walking away from them.

"Shall I go talk to her?" Minho asked Newt.

"I am not sure. I think she is worried about something. What does your gut tell you?" Newt asked him.

Minho didn't respond. Instead, he got up and walked after Joanna.

"Joey, talk to me." Minho pulled Joanna, spinning her around so she was facing him.

"Minho..." Joanna frowned, she didn't know what to tell him.

"It's okay, Joey. You can tell me." Minho smiled at her.

"Something really doesn't feel right. Ever since we left Wicked, Teresa..." Joanna started.

"She has been acting strange." Minho nodded his head. "I noticed it too."

"I might be over thinking it but this safe haven, doesn't feel safe. I think we should leave." Joanna whispered out.

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