Chapter 2: Ben?

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"Wicked is good" The woman's voice filled Joanna's head.

She sat against a tree, watching Alby hand the knife to Thomas, signalling him to carve his name into the wall.

She signed and let her head fall back a bit. She tied the mask around her head and got up. She walked towards the kitchen where Fry was preparing breakfast.

"Fry." She greeted him.

"Hey Jo. I got some bacon and eggs, jus' the way you like it." Frypan smiled and handed her a wood plank with crispy bacon and scrambled eggs on it.

"Thanks Fry. Do you have Minhos?" She asked politely.

"Sure thing." He handed her Minhos breakfast and walked to his hammock.

"Day one, Greenie. Rise and shine." Joanna whispered in Minhos ear, mockingly.

Minho opened his eyes, looking slightly panicked and then rolled his eyes.

"I swear, one day my heart will stop and I will blame you." He groaned and got up. Putting on his blue shirt.

"Maybe you don't need this." She gestured to his food, jokingly. "Your muscles are fading."

"Bitch, please." Minho laughed and grabbed his plate.

They sat there and ate slowly. Joanna took off her bandana mask and rested it next to her. Revealing the scars running down her eye and lips and cheek. Minho looked at her and smiled. She only took it off around him, Newt and Alby.

"You're pretty." Minho smiled cheekily and tilted his head at her.

"Oh, why thank you, kind sir." She giggled and spoke in a posh British accent.

He smiled and continued to eat.

"Day off today. Do you wanna go through everything in the map room and see if there's anything new." Joanna spoke up.

"Of course, but only because it is you and you are smart." Minho joked and finished his food.

"Boy! You better slow down when you eat. Jesus! it's like you have a bottomless pit." Joanna joked.

"You wish you was me." Minho Joked.

"You wish!" Joanna laughed. She stood up and put on her mask.

She was quite slim, but her muscles were toned and where she needed them. She had a slight outline around her abs. Making them a bit visible and she had muscular legs which complimented her short body frame. It was from all the running she did.
Put it this way. She isn't weak but you wouldn't be able to tell that straight away.

"Girl, put a shirt on. Don't want the boys seeing the bod' of a goddess." Minho joked and chucked her a spare shirt he had. Minho and Joanna have a best friend, sibling bond. Nothing more, nothing less.

She laughed and chucked it on. The boys were just starting to wake up.

They headed into the woods to the map room.


"It's just no use!" Minho sighed. "We have looked everywhere!"

"What are we missing?" Joanna whispered to herself.

"I am missing a will to live right now." Minho joked but then stopped smiling after he heard a boy screaming for help.


There it was again. The two looked at each other before Joanna sprinted out, into the Glade, to the where the noise was coming from.

She saw Thomas being chased by a weird looking Ben.

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