Chapter 2: Scorch

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Joanna laid down on her bottom bunk, watching Thomas as he used the sink to brush his teeth. He looked at himself in the mirror, it was like he was seeing himself for the first time before.

Feeling curious, Joanna got up and went over to him and looked at herself in the mirror. She had never seen herself after she got attack by a Griever.
She gasped, slightly, touching her face. Thomas watched her carefully.

"I think you look beautiful." Thomas whispered in her ear and rubbed her back.

She looked at him in mirror and smiled.

"Let's get some sleep." She whispered to him and he nodded, letting her pull him to her bed.

She laid down and gestured him to lay down with her. He slowly got onto the bed and they both looked at the bars holding the bed, above them, up.

Joanna turned to her side and looked at Thomas. He moved his head and looked at her.

"I..." Joanna started but got cut off by a metallic noise.

They jumped and Thomas slowly looked under the bed, Joanna fully suit.

"Psst." Someone whispered. "Hey."

They looked at a boy who held his finger to his mouth shushing them. It was the same boy from the canteen who had been there for a week.

"What are you doing?" Joanna questioned him.

"Come on." The boy gestured them to follow him. "Follow me."

Joanna looked at Thomas and nodded. They slowly climbed down from the bed and crawled into the vent with him.

"Where are we going?" Thomas whispered to him as they crawled through the vent.

"Hurry up, we are going to miss it." The boy replied.

"Miss what? Hey! Who are you?" Joanna questioned him but still crawled after him.

"Come on! We will miss it." He said.

"What the shuck?" Joanna said to Thomas.

They turned round a corner to see the boy looking over a hole in the vent, his face being lit up by the light coming from it.

"Here." The boy said waving his hand for them to come closer.

"What are we looking at....?" Joanna asked him and hesitated on what to call him.

"It's Aris...just watch." He replied.

They all watched over the vent opening. There was a long, white hallway and a door right in front of them.
Joanna looked at Aris confused and he nodded towards the door. She looked back and saw a doctor walk forward, opening the door, followed by people pushing a bed that had a body on it. It was covered with a white sheet. There was screen on the bed that showed an X-Ray of their body and monitored their heart.

"What the hell?" Thomas whispered.

They disappeared into the room.

"What just happened?" Joanna asked Aris.

"They bring new ones in, every night, like clockwork." He responded.

"What do they do with them?" Thomas asked him.

"I don't know. This is the farthest I have gotten." he responded, shrugging his shoulders. "Once those beds go through that door, they don't come back out."

Joanna looked at Thomas.

"You don't think...?" Joanna started.

"No. I don't think anyone, ever really leaves this place." Aris whispered, answering her thoughts.

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