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Xiao Yue looked at Li Feng and everyone present with a serious gaze: "No, if you say it, not only will you betray us, but all of us may not have our lives." He

pointed to the stainless steel vat used to cook the broth: "If this news is said, it is Lei Ming who cooked today, and tomorrow it will be us."
Everyone who had
eaten and drunk immediately tightened their faces, nodding their heads in agreement and looking more cautious, even Qin Mei knew that she had to keep this secret, because her body also digested part of Lei Ming.

What happened in the Ninth District was unknown except for the women in the Ninth District, and even Yunyang and the others did not know anything at this time.

The Heping base has been turned into a paradise by these criminals, and the vacancy rate of houses inside is frightening, and the villas of dozens of people who cannot live in the capital will only become a safe haven for some high-ranking people and their families.

Their lives are the same as when they were in the kingdom before the end of the world, exploiting ordinary people to strengthen their own strength, and every penny they earned before, every material they earned now, was soaked with the blood of ordinary people.

Now Yunyang they came uninvited to find a vacant villa, the villa decoration used to be very stylish, but after experiencing the official base, it was transformed beyond recognition, even now you can still see that there are traces of partitions.

Because Boss Lei's group of people occupied the Heping base, they drove out the ordinary people living in the villa, but it was precisely because they did this that Yun Yang and the others could find a place to hide everywhere.

The high-rise of this villa area gathers, and a patrol patrol passes by every ten minutes.

Thanks to the limited materials of the Heping base and the disconnection of the signal tower, they cannot be given the opportunity to install monitoring, otherwise the situation will be a bit tricky.

The villa was still dark and there was no lighting because the owner had not returned.

Everyone sat in the dark living room to discuss the next countermeasures, at present, the Heping base has been corroded to the root by Boss Lei's group, there is no way to pull it back, and it is impossible to control the overall situation by rescuing a certain person.

In response to this problem, everyone must find a way to see what breakthrough points there are.

Everyone hastily finished the rice ball in their hands, this rice ball the size of an adult's fist is still a fast food made by Yun Yang and Yun Yi at home in the early apocalypse, it has been in the space for almost two years, and now it is still with calories when taken out.

"Sister, you handed over Lei Ming's body to that woman, aren't you afraid that she will betray us against the water?" Tang Yuan swallowed the last bite of food and asked, Yun Yang's move still seemed a bit risky, although they left the place in the Ninth District, as long as the woman who was rescued before revealed a little news to Boss Lei's people, the base was under the jurisdiction of Boss Lei, it would definitely cause difficulties for their actions.

Lin Lu took a sip of water, and looked at Yun Yang with a smile in his light blue eyes: "Otherwise, why do you think Yang Yang left the body to that woman to dispose of?"

Xia Changyuan and Yun Yi chuckled, expecting this result as early as when Yun Yang made such a decision.

Tang Yuan was very curious: "What are you guys playing dumb riddles?" "Seriously, with these smart people, the brain cells are going to die, and they can understand the intelligence of their respective minds when they meet their eyes, and he can't learn for another ten years."

Yun Yang also knew in his heart that after such a long time and did not find much movement, there were only two possibilities, one was that the woman also hid the body in the house, which was the most dangerous approach, the impact of today's fire made Boss Lei they had no time to take care of the situation of the women in the ninth district, and when the fire was completely extinguished, it was found that Lei Ming's body was not in the burned house, and would definitely launch a carpet search in the entire Heping base.

The nearest Ninth District must bear the brunt, plus the woman's home is such a big place, people are struggling to stand there, let alone Tibetans, a little rummage can find the body, which also has to ensure that the body does not decompose.

The second is that the body has already been disposed of and did not cause a big mess. Yun Yang would not have thought of sealing other people's mouths with the fact of the same front, and others could also learn from it, but this time it was the women of the entire Ninth District who were silenced.

"There shouldn't be a problem." That woman is not only her, but also has a daughter by her side, even for the sake of her daughter, it is impossible to keep such a great hidden danger around.

"Shh!" Lin Lubi gestured: "Someone is coming." The

voice of the conversation quieted down.

Tang Yuan listened for a long time and wondered, "No."

At this time, Yun Yangbi made a quiet gesture: "Someone is coming, hidden." The

villa has a large space, and it is very convenient to hide, so everyone quickly moved from the first floor to the second floor, and each found a place to observe the good sight of the hall on the first floor and hid.

"Boss Lei, the representative sent by Jianguo is here, do you want to meet him?"

"See what to see, brother Laozi has not yet been found, whether he is dead or alive, I don't know, how can I be in the mood to talk about this!"

"That group of people is very generous, in addition to food, even all kinds of medicines, some domestic do not have it, I let the college students of medical universities see it, they all said that it is a good product, and when it comes to the M63 planet, it will definitely be used, and it can be sold at a high price."


"It's true, everything has been shipped to our warehouse, and I see that they are very sincere this time."

"Gee, this group of people is really fat and flowing oil, I heard that the large and small bases on the Jianguo side are all the same as sieves."

"No way, who let guns be sold there, you can see weapons and gun shops on the street, they don't mess with anyone." It's okay if it's messed up, isn't it a chance for us? The old guys of the previous moon landing program took away a lot of good things, and I estimate that these are already the best prices they can afford.

"This is indeed, much more generous than the group of people who cut the door in other small bases." Boss Lei was very satisfied with this harvest, and remembered a question and asked: "By the way, what did the technical department say there, can you overcome face recognition?"

"Haha, I haven't even had time to tell you about the news I gave today."

"Is it really solved?"

"It's solved, don't worry this time, it's worthy of being a hacker who can be ranked in the world, and the expert will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move."

"It's still a hard bone, but after being beaten a few times, locked up a few times, and closed a few times, I can't stand it."

"What does this mean, Boss Lei, the means and efficiency of our torture have improved."

"Haha, yes, remember to add food to these people in the technical department, I think I will pull some meat people from the eleventh district into the back kitchen."

"Okay, good, but Boss Lei, when will the official transfer person in charge of the capital come here?" Feng Chun, this old guy has a very tight mouth, and he didn't tell us the password of the underground secret room of the military base, and I estimate that the spaceship is inside. "

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