Marisa's eyes glowed with determination as she declared, "I'll join, even with the restrictions. I'll show them the true power of magic and how far I can achieve within those limits. Let's make this grand war a spectacle they won't forget!"

Yukari's gaze shifted to Ibaraki, who stood in the corner with a longing expression etched across her face. Ibaraki's eyes conveyed a burning desire to be a part of the holy grail war, to unleash her power upon her foes. But Yukari knew that granting Ibaraki's request would come with its own set of challenges and consequences.

After a few agonizing moments, Yukari found herself compelled to make a compromise. "You could be the ruler," she suggested, her voice laced with a mix of hesitation and consideration. Yukari understood that Ibaraki possessed immense strength and potential, but she also knew the risks involved in allowing Ibaraki to participate directly in the war.

As Yukari spoke those words, a radiant smile blossomed on Ibaraki's face. It was a smile that made Yukari feel as if she had shed a century's worth of weight from her shoulders. Ibaraki approached Yukari, her form morphing into that of Mordred, and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. At that moment, the love and understanding between them spoke volumes, reaffirming their bond.

With a contented sigh, Ibaraki transformed back into her usual self, her heart filled with happiness and acceptance. She returned to what she had been doing.

Marisa's smile gradually faded as she listened to Yukari's decision. She had hoped to negotiate for an exception, a chance to unleash her powerful Master Spark during the holy grail war. But it seemed that convincing Yukari to allow such an exception was an uphill battle she couldn't win.

Knowing that Ibaraki is the only one that could successfully persuade Yukari to grant her wish. It became apparent to Marisa that persuading Yukari was a difficult task, especially when it came to bending the rules.

Realizing that her efforts to change Yukari's mind had reached a dead end, Marisa reluctantly accepted the decision. She understood that sometimes compromises had to be made, even if it meant giving up something she dearly cherished. With a sense of resignation, Marisa resolved to participate in the war without her signature Master Spark, relying on her other magical abilities and skills to contribute to the battle.

Yukari spotted Shuten at the bar, gracefully tending to her array of beverages. As the day was just beginning, the atmosphere was calm and inviting. Shuten's skills as both a master barista and bartender were well-known, and Yukari decided to indulge in one of her creations.

Shuten skillfully prepared a cup of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, a renowned coffee known for its distinctive floral and fruity flavors. Yukari took a sip, allowing the rich and complex notes to dance across her taste buds. The coffee was a testament to Shuten's meticulous workmanship and her ability to bring out the finest qualities of each brew.

Yukari savored the moment, appreciating not only the quality of the coffee but also the ambiance of the bar. Shuten's expertise and attention to detail were evident in every sip, creating an experience that went beyond a simple beverage.

Shuten poured herself an Irish Coffee, her eyes glimmering with curiosity. She could sense there was something on Yukari's mind, and she couldn't resist asking about it.

"Is it about the Holy Grail War that you guys prepared?" Shuten inquired, her tone laced with a mix of anticipation and intrigue. Despite her fondness for alcohol, she possessed a sharp intuition and was always eager to delve into new adventures.

Yukari observed Shuten's choice of beverage, acknowledging her penchant for alcohol—a trait ingrained in her Oni heritage. It was a stark contrast to Ibaraki, whose preference leaned towards sweetened milk rather than alcoholic indulgences.

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