I suddenly feel Adrien's large hand rest on my lower back, sending tingles up and down my spine, "Relax, I didn't mind..."

"Okay, I guess... I'll freshen up now." I look at him.

I grab my plate to bring to the sink, I then hear Adrien sighing in exasperation.

"What?" I turn to look at him.

"Stop cleaning after yourself, that is my job..." He says, running his hands down his face.

"You slept on the couch... That's what you get." I tease, smiling at him.

He smiles and rolls his eyes.

I made my way towards the spiral staircase and made my way up it.

I looked around a bit confused because there were so many rooms...

I didn't feel like using Adrien's room's bathroom because it felt too soon and too personal.

So I turned right and went towards a couple of rooms that I saw.I went the furthest I could down the hall and opened the very first door in that hall.


I then opened the next door.


And the next.


To my surprise when I opened the next room it was very different from the entire aesthetic of the entire house.

The room's walls were painted in black, there was a giant TV propped up on the right wall of the room. There was a huge black couch that was facing the TV. There was probably every gaming console imaginable displayed under the TV. Next to the couch there was a gaming PC setup, matching chair and everything. There were LED lights that were changing colors behind the TV givinging the room a cool glow. There was a window in the room, however, there were black curtains that stopped the sun from shining through.

I laughed to myself.

Typical Adrien...

I close, what I think, is the most important room to Adrien.

I move down the hallway and go to the next door.

I open it and...

Yes! The bathroom!

I get inside and close the door behind me.

Hickeys... What hickeys is he talking about...?

I pull Adrien's shirt off and gasp.

There were big hickeys plastered all over my neck.

It looked like I was wearing a necklace of hickeys...

Adrien really got to work...

I pressed my fingers at the sight and felt tingles run through my fingers, the thought of Adrien's mouth exploring my neck was giving me goosebumps.

I washed my face with the soap that was in the soap dish, feeling refreshed.

It felt so nice to be in this bathroom, it was so... homey.

Once I dried my face off, I pulled Adrien's shirt back on.

I searched the drawers for a clean toothbrush and found a sealed package in the very bottom drawer.

I opened the toothbrush and used some of the toothpaste that way lying on top of the sink.

I brushed my teeth and instantly felt better.

I honestly felt sad to leave Adrien's house. I kind of wished that I could just... stay.

I looked at myself in the mirror and pulled the neckline of his shirt down to reveal the marks that Adrien had left on my neck...

Why do I kind of... Like it?

I regain my composure and exit the bathroom.

I make my way back to Adrien's bedroom so I can grab my clothes from his bathroom.

I finally got to his room and realized that I left his bed as a mess.

How embarrassing...

I made the bed and made my way into his bathroom. I tried not to snoop around in his bathroom, trying to respect his privacy.

I saw my clothes neatly folded on top of the toilet, I quickly grabbed it and made my way out of the bathroom.

I was back in his bedroom and I saw that he had neatly put all of my stuff on the bedside table, my purse was sitting there, along with my phone that was placed face down and my heels were on the ground, sitting neatly together.

I smiled at his organization...

So cute.

I grabbed all my shit and went back downstairs.

Adrien was downstairs watching TV... Still, with his shirt off.

I know this motherfucker is just trying to show me what I missed out on last night.

He turned to look to his left and smiled when he saw me.

"Ready to go?" He asked, getting up from the couch.

I nodded, "Do you mind if I just stay in your clothes... I didn't really feel like changing back into the dress..." I said, slipping back into my heels.

Adrien shook his head, "No, I don't mind, you can actually just keep them if you want..." He suggested.

Hmmm... Keep Adrien's clothes? Yes fucking please.

"Okay... Thank you..." I said, trying to keep my smile to myself.

He grabbed his black compression shirt from the armrest of the couch and put it on.

"Okay, let's go," Adrien said, leading the way to his front door.


I was outside of my apartment doors and Adrien was standing there with me.

"So... when is this next date happening?" He asked, trailing his fingers up and down my arm.

I close my eyes in pleasure when he does this to me.

Fuck Adrien... What are you doing to me?

"Soon, I have to see when I'm free, but I'm planning our next date... And I'm definitely keeping it a surprise..." I tease.

"Okay, okay, fine... All that matters is that I'm going to be with you..." He smiles at me.

I look down and blush at his words.

He then uses his finger to lift my chin up so that I look at him.

He slowly leans down as if to kiss me.

I close my eyes in anticipation, until I feel his arms embrace me.

Oh... That's embarrassing.

"I'll talk to you soon Mina... Do you mind if I call you that...?" He said, pulling away from the hug and tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Mina huh? I like it..." I said smiling, closing my eyes from the gesture.

"You better not tell anyone else about that nickname... That's my nickname for you..." He said, laughing.

I couldn't tell if he was joking or not so I just nodded.

I saw possessiveness quickly flash in his eyes.

"Bye, Adrien... I'll text you soon." I said.

He then turned around and walked down the stairs.

The Perfect Guy/s (18+)Where stories live. Discover now