"Oh no come on, you know you don't mean that . Besides Charles will be by your door in about a few minutes. He has left already so just change and meet him by your door- and maybe don't throw anything at him this time" I groaned and hung up without giving any other response to his infuriating grin.


Just like clockwork I heard Charles unlocking my front door just as I slipped on the white flowy dress that covered my light pink bikini. "Just wait in the living-room, I'll be out in a second!" I hollered while I rummaged my drawers for something to put my hair up with, cursing at the thin straps of the dress falling off my shoulders.

I didn't get a response but it didn't really bother me, he could wait a few moments. "I swear to fucking god the hair ties fucking evaporate "

After spotting a single black hair tie on my sink counter I grabbed my hairbrush and started to pull my hair up into a sloppy ponytail. "There is one on the counter"

The voice belonging to the previously suspected burglar made me jump and clamp my eyes shut as I turned around and reflexively threw the hairbrush towards the origin of the voice. "Ow fuck- what did I do now"

I carefully peeled my eyes open and immediately felt the déjà-vu wash over my as Charles stood in the doorway, rubbing the spot on the side of mid head where the brush had hit him. Next to him stood Mick and I felt my face light up as I made my way towards them and threw myself into his awaiting embrace, laughing as he spun me around.

"Micky!" I squealed, not having seen him since the last race.
"And Charles" the grumpy monégasque muttered with a frown.

"Yeah he found me along the way, figured I'd tag along" Mick mused into the crook of my neck.

Daniel wrapped his arm around Heidi and gave her the most adorning smile. His eyes held nothing but love and he looked as if she was the most precious person he had ever met, as if the entire world faded when he looked at her. The usually squinting features of his face had softened and that small mundane moment made me better understand how people can believe in love without having experienced it.

"So you know those lists celebrities have of like things that the just absolutely have to have in their dressing room" I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts and reminded of the current very mature attempt at entertainment, playing truth or dare. "Emmy what is the weirdest or most specific thing/things on your list"

We were all drunk off our asses and carefree as could be. The table in front of us was littered with empty or half full bottles of alcohol and a packet of cigarettes with a small red lighter beside it. We were sprawled across different benches, sofas and loveseats covered with white leather.

I let my eyes flicker back to Kika and smiled, pondering for a moment. "I don't really think I have anything too out of the ordinary" When I tried to come up with something that would raise some eyebrows nothing really came to mind. RedBull provided us with everything we needed without us having to ask for it.

"Oh yes you do you little diva" Lando interrupted, his speech slightly slurred and with a knowing grin, making me feel as if he knew something I didn't. I frowned and his grin only grew. I hated Lando knowing things I didn't.

"No I don't"
"Yes you do"
"No I don't"
"Yes you do"
"Then what?"

His grin only grew as he propped himself up better on the padded bench next to me, almost slipping off the bench but making an honorable save. "You have sour skittles, they have to be sour, in a huge glass jar and you specified that there is to be no yellow ones in it. Like can you imagine the poor fella having to sort through thousands of skittles and sifting out all the yellow ones?" His voice was whiny in a way that suggested that he was the one sorting through the brightly colored candies.

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