Chapter 23

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Sonic was jogging with Y/n in his arms. Y/n was busy lecturing him all the way about not caring for himself. 

Y/n:[angrilly] Are you even listening to me?!

Sonic:[irritated] Can you be quiet for 5 seconds? Geez you've been lecturing me all ride! I get it, I'll better care of myself if it means you can stop nagging me!

Y/n crossed her arms and looked away from him. 

Y/n:[irritated] Fine, if you don't want me to worry about you then might as well leave me hear. 

Sonic: Nope. I'm not letting you out of my sight. Not after last time. Plus you said the same thing to me. You said and I quote " I'm not letting you out of my sight Mr. Hedgehog." 

Y/n sighs.

Y/n: I know. I'm just still mad that you didn't listen to me. 

Sonic: I can tell. Look, If I promise to get some more rest will you promise to stop lecturing me?

Y/n: Fine, I will. I've been lecturing you way to long now.

Sonic: You think?

Y/n: Don't give me that attitude. 

Sonic: And what if I don't?

Y/n:[flirtatiously yet playful] Then I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson. 

Sonic:[flirtatiously yet playful][smirks] Oh? You think you can teach me a lesson?

Y/n: [flirtatiously yet playful][smirks] I know I can blue boy. Don't try me. 

Sonic: [flirtatiously yet playful] [smirks] Oh, I'm trying you. Teach me a lesson. I dare you. 

Y/n gives Sonic a smooch on his lips and he blushes darkly. Y/n continues to kiss Sonic and he stops in his tracks. Y/n removes herself from the kiss and then stands up. Y/n wraps his arms around his neck and once again drags him into a kiss. She then removes herself from the kiss. She could tell from his flustered face that he liked it and wanted more. 

Y/n: [flirtatiously yet playful][smirks] If you want more kisses then you gotta earn them.

Sonic covered his face and purred.

Sonic Pov

What the hell happened to my Y/n when she was with starline? When did I become so submissive to the girl infront of me? When did she get so confident? I don't know what happened to her but I kinda like this new dominant side of her. I know she's still innocent because she still has that look in her eyes but that attitude seems really familiar.... Don't tell me she copied Rouge. I swear I'm gonna have a talk with her about how she acts with boys around Y/n. 

Y/n laughed at my flustered face. 

Y/n: [flirtatiously yet playful] Did I fluster you? Awe how cute!

Now if only she were mine....

Y/n's POV

Geez, Sonic has been flustered for a good 2 minutes now. I didn't think his reaction would be this bad. If anything I didn't think he would be fazed at all seeing as he likes someone else. But then again, the person he talked about sounded a lot like me. I've had my suspicions but brushed them off until now. But maybe he was just surprised by my sudden change in attitude? I'm still not sure. Like a week ago Sonic said to try and make a move on my crush when I see them. I gave him a big hint that it was him. But maybe he thinks i'm trying to practice this on him and then try it on my crush? This is all so confusing. Why can't it be simpler? 

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