Chapter 10

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An alarm is going off in an eggman base. Sonic and Y/n dash in before the door closes. Sonic is holding Y/n in the bridal position while running. 

Sonic: Way too slow! C'mon step it up!

Sonic and Y/n flip over the electricity that nearly hit them. Sonic then cheekily smirks at the badnik and boosts through them with Y/n knocking the remains elsewhere with her hammer. They are then spotted by a camera and the door is about to close when the power of a wisp opens it before the hedgehog duo could crash. Sonic then sighs in relief.

Sonic: You okay?

Y/n: Yup.

Sonic then looks behind him to see a big badnik.

Sonic: Oh! Your a big one!

Sonic then puts down Y/n and then tries to spin attack it but then stops in his tracks when a light blue heugh surrounds it and then sashes it into the ground. A silver hedgehog is spotted seeing to be the controller of the blue heugh.

Silver: Mind if I cut in? 

Sonic: Silver! I had that one!

Silver:[scratches his head] Sorry! I didn't mean to step on your toes!

Sonic: Its cool-

Y/n:[smiles excitingly] Silver!

Silver: Y/n!

Y/n runs and hugs him tight. Silver happily hugs back. 

Y/n: I Missed you!

Silver: I missed you too! How are you?

Y/n: I'm awesome! I managed not to get hurt in the last battle!

Silver: Really? That's awesome! 

Sonic: You guys can do your reunion later. Right now we need to get back to crashing this base.

Y/n and Silver: [Sad] Fine.

Sonic: Anyway, thanks for holding the door for us back there.

Silver: What door? I came in through the other way.

Sonic looks back.

Sonic: If you didn't help us, who did?

A powerful laser of energy shoots behind them and hits a badnik and it falls apart.

Sonic: Since when could you do that?

Silver: I didn't!

Y/n:[excitingly] Its must be the legendary guardian angel!

Sonic: The legendary who now?

Silver: [smiles excitingly] How do you not know the about the guardian angel?!

Sonic:[dryly] I spent six months in a small cell in space. I missed a few things.

Silver: Oh right! You missed most of the war. Multiple units in the resistance reported a mystery person, who would turn the tides in battle, but never joined the army. 

Y/n: Whoever it was saved our lives more than once! They must be here to help us again!

Sonic:[smirks] Then I guess I'll have to thank them for saving your clumsy butt.[ruffles her hair roughly]

Y/n:[swats his hand away] Hey quit it! [purrs] 

Sonic: No I don't think I will. Your so cute!

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