Chapter 7

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In an mountainous area with evergreens and intertwined corkscrew loops made of stone, Sonic the hedgehog, Y/n L/n and Espio the chameleon are busy fighting a swarm of badniks consisting of Antons and hoverby's that are approaching from multiple directions. 

Sonic: Careful- On your right and Y/n on your left.

Espio:  Left? Right? Everywhere! They have us surrounded!

Y/n: Ya think?

Sonic: Don't mind her, she's cranky that I didn't stop to get sugar cookies for her. 

Y/n: Why couldn't I have any?!

Sonic: Because you'll be bouncing off the walls the second you get your hands on one.

Y/n: But I need energy!

Sonic: You already have more than Childs energy. Plus I grounded you from sugar.

Espio: Less talking more fighting.

Sonic: We just gotta get into the swing of things!

Espio: Roger that

Espio throws a kunai with a rope tied to it into the corkscrew road and grabs Y/n's hand who grabs Sonic's hand, causing them to swing around the corkscrew road at high speed and take out the Badniks that have them surrounded, Finishing the maneuver.

Sonic: Have you and the chaotix tracked down Eggman yet?

Espio: We-Hold on, incoming.

The three heroes quickly destroy the Badniks and watch happily as the flickies that were trapped inside the Badniks fly away.

Sonic: Thanks for the help with the badniks, they've been getting more organized lately. I guess Eggman has been gearing up for something big lately.

Y/n: Its not Eggman, if it was we would have our tea parties on Wednesday.

Espio: Eh?

Sonic: Don't question it.

Espio: Actually, I don't believe the doctor is behind this. 

Sonic lifts Y/n in the bridal position and both him and Espio run off.

Sonic: Oh? So you have a lead?

Espio: Better than that, we searched in the ruins of imperial city...And found nothing but wreckage. So we tried his last known lab. Orbot and Cubot were corporative but knew nothing. Eggmans computer showed no escape plans or personal traffic. He seemed certain he would win our last encounter. Searching his other bases turned up nothing but trouble.

Sonic: Well nuts. You guys are the best detectives We know.

 Espio: We're the only detectives You know.

Y/n: Semantics. So why did you call us here if you haven't found him?

Espio: We did {Ahem} Sort of.

Sonic and Y/n:[smiles in shock] Wait- What?!

Espio: We received an anonymous tip that led us to the village I'm taking you two now. So, technically, We didn't find him.....

Sonic laid his head on his hand and looked slightly annoyed.

Sonic: You could've just said, "I'm taking you to eggman."

Espio: One, so this is where Y/n's impatient attitude comes from?

Sonic and Y/n: Hey!

 Espio: And two I wanted you to understand how hard we worked.

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