Point Of Origin

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"Off light duty huh?" Hen asked as I walked in for my shift with a little spring in my step.

"Damn straight I am!" I laughed as Hen hugged me.

"Good. Because Buck has been unbearable on calls." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey!" I heard Buck say as he walked up to us before wrapping me in a hug.

"If anything Hen's been in a bad mood on calls without you." He said not releasing me from his hug.

"You both realize I've been in the house everyday that you guys have. It's not like I've been gone, Buck you're gonna crush me if you keep it up." I told them.

"We'll it hasn't been the same." Hen rolled her eyes as Buck released me.

I laughed shaking my head. "Whatever you two say. Where's Bobby?"

"Office." Buck nodded his head in the direction.

"I'll be back." I hurried towards the shut door and knocked.

"Come in!" He called.

I pulled my release papers out of my bag and handed it to him. "I've been released from light duty, and I have a clean bill of health."

"And it feels okay? Not sore, or tender?" He asked watching me closely.

"Not at all. I even ran the recertification course with the fire chief watching to be on the safe side. I didn't want to come back to full duty without being at my best." I told him.

He nodded. "Good, because between Buck and Hen I couldn't tell who missed you more on calls."

I laughed. "Both of them apparently. The way they were acting, it's as if I was off work for weeks instead of chilling in the firehouse."

"Yeah that's true." He nodded and he started to say something else when the alarm went off.

"Please tell me I'm going?" I asked bored out of my mind here and worried he'd keep me back to be safe.

"Go get your gear, kid." You told me making me cheer and run out of his office.

"Can I drive?" I asked him as he exited.

"Yes you can drive." He grinned tossing me the keys.

"Yes!" I ran for the drivers door.

"No!" I hear Buck from behind me. "Last time she drove she hit the breaks and I hit the seat in front of me."

"Should have been wearing your seatbelt." I shot back shutting the door.

We got to the building where they were having a wedding and the floor collapsed and we headed inside.

"16 DOA so far. Mostly blunt trauma to the head or crushed by falling debris or other bodies. One victim impaled." Buck told Bobby as he walked in.

"They fell through two stories. I won't be surprised if that number goes higher." Bobby replied.

It was morbid, but true. That kind of fall with that many people isn't good.

"Captain, the groom is devastated- his bride hasn't been accounted for yet." Hen said walking up to us.

"We'll find her. Buck, Alex, I'm gonna need you two to go up top. Access to the second floor is blocked. We're gonna have to tackle this thing from both ends." Bobby told us.

"Okay, Captain." Buck nodded.

"I know. I'll be careful." I told him with a smile. "You be careful too."

I followed after Buck, as we made our way to the third floor and got harnessed in.

"Ready?" Buck asked as he checked my harness.

Holy Groundजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें