Chapter 5

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I feel a rare sense of freedom as Do-Yun and I strolled through the premises. We make our way to the dimly lit lounge. Do-Yun led me to the bar counter, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "You know, Hana, I happen to be quite the mixologist. How about I show you a thing or two about making cocktails?"

My curiosity rise. This was an opportunity to set my mind to a different one, if only for a brief moment. With an encouraging smile, Do-Yun pulled out a shaker, lined up an array of bottles, and began his lesson.

"First, we'll start with a classic," Do-Yun declared, pouring a generous measure of vodka into the shaker. "Now, add some cranberry juice for that refreshing tang. A splash of lime juice to balance it out. And don't forget a hint of orange liqueur for that extra kick." I watch in awe as Do-Yun careful mixing the ingredients, his movements are precise. As the aroma of the drink spread through the air, my mood lifts.

"Do you want to give it a try?" Do-Yun asked.

My nerves tingle with excitement as i take hold of the shaker. I try replicated Do-Yun's movements, pouring and shaking the ingredients with confidence. I pour the cocktail into two glasses, Passing one to Do-Yun, I clinked my glass against his. "Cheers," I said, a radiant smile appears on my face.

Hours slipped by unnoticed as we were experimenting with different ingredients. Our laughter echoed through the lounge, I am really enjoying my time with Do-Yun. It makes me forget about my situation.

Gangjae's voice cut through the silence like a razor-sharp blade. "Well, well, well. Look at what we have here," he sneered, his words laced with a venomous tone. "Having a little party, are we? Enjoying yourselves without my permission?" A chilling silence settled over the lounge as Gangjae stumble toward us. The air seemed to thicken with tension.

"Sir, i am sorry. This is my fault," Do-Yun lowers his head.

"I told you to bring her breakfast. Not having a party with her,"

"It's not his fault. It was my idea. I refuse to be locked up in that room all day!" I interfere my voice filled with frustration.

Gangjae's eyes narrowed, he grips my arm tightening it as anger flickered across his face. "You think you have a choice in this matter? You're mine, Hana, and no one else's."

"We were just making cocktails. It's not a big deal," I retorted, my voice laced with defensiveness.

Gangjae's eyes narrowed. "You don't even like alcohol," he stated, raising an eyebrow as if challenging my explanation.

"How would you know? You don't even know me," I shot back, frustration seeping into my words. I was tired of his assumptions, tired of being boxed into the limited perception he held of me.

A mocking laugh escaped Gangjae's lips, his amusement filling the air. "Oh, princess I know everything about you," he sneered, a twisted satisfaction dancing in his eyes. "You are a disobedient little slut,"

"You may think you know me, but you only see what you want to see," I countered.

"Be careful, Hana," he whispered, his voice dripping with menace. "You wouldn't want me to reveal all your secrets, would you?"

A flicker of fear passed through me.

"I am not afraid of your threats," I declared, my voice steady.

"Then why is your hearting beating so fast?"

Before I could utter a word, Do-Yun stepped forward, lowering himself to his knees in front of Gangjae. His voice trembled with "Sir.. boss.. it won't happen again. Please accept my apology," he pleaded.

Devil Eyes [Do Gang-Jae]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora