Chapter 1

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After a thirty-minute drive, the rumbling engine finally comes to a halt, and the bag over my head is swiftly removed. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I gaze up at the night sky, its vastness adorned with twinkling stars, providing the only source of illumination. Surveying my surroundings, I realize we have arrived at what appears to be an abandoned warehouse.

Gangjae strides towards my side, his grip tight on my arm as he forcefully pulls me out. Maintaining his firm hold, we enter the building. The interior resembles a former factory, with remnants of machinery scattered about. My eyes trace the rusted metal frames, Nervously, I shift my weight, acutely aware of the pulsating rhythm of my own heartbeat. Gangjae's piercing gaze fixes upon me, amplifying my unease.

We progress further, reaching the back of the building. Stepping into an elevator, a stark contrast to the aging structure. The metallic doors slide open, revealing a lounge bathed in darkness. Black-painted walls enclose the space, with suspended plants, adding a touch of life to the otherwise shadowed environment. On one side, a bar with sleek black and gold stools beckons, its shelves full with meticulously arranged bottles of various spirits. Opposite, cozy red sofas invite relaxation, while above them, opulent gold chandeliers cast a warm, amber glow. In the center of the room, a grand pool table stands as a focal point.

A pulsating rhythm fills the air as background music sets the ambiance. Gangjae stumbles towards the bar, pouring himself a drink which he consumes in a single gulp. His men gather in clusters, some engaged in games of pool, others reclining on the plush sofas. I glance towards the entrance, witnessing a group of women making their way into the lounge. They are dressed in revealing clothing and they effortlessly engage with the men present. My eyes widen in astonishment as I witness unwarranted touches and inappropriate advances exchanged with little resistance.

Caught in a state of awkwardness amidst this chaotic scene, I find myself standing alone, the center of attention for Gangjae's piercing gaze. He closes the distance between us, encircling his arms around my waist, causing a shiver to ripple through my body. Guiding me towards one of the inviting sofas, I sink into its soft embrace, marveling at the comforting fabric against my skin. Gangjae settles beside me, lighting a cigarette and releasing a cloud of smoke that swirls before my face, triggering a cough. His chuckle resonates, a chilling sound.

"As I am on my way to become a formidable figure in this world, you shall serve as my personal assistant," he declares, drawing in another drag of his cigarette. "From the moment we met. I knew I wanted you to become mine," his gaze roams unabashedly over my form, causing me to shift uneasily.

"A personal assistant? Are you joking?" I retort.

"You will follow my every command without question. Disobedience, well, that will mean punishment," he smirks.

"What happened to you? This is not who you truly are," I murmur softly. "I know you,"

Gangjae responds with a laugh, his amusement laced with a tinge of darkness. "This is precisely who I am. Leaving Dongchuan was the best thing that ever happened to me. They even gifted me something," he points to the scar etched upon his face.

"I know you. Behind this façade of toughness lies a boy plagued by fear and insecurity," I snap.

Gangjae's laughter echoes through the room, but his expression grows cold. "Do not test my limits. I get pleasure from inflicting pain upon others, from toying with their minds. I like to kill them-" he pauses. "When my knife slits their fragile throats. fuck, it's just as good as an orgasm," As our eyes lock, anger hits me, tempting me to wipe that wicked smile off his handsome face

A shiver runs down my spine as I feel his hand daringly glide up my thigh, a taunting smirk playing on his lips. "Did you choose this outfit specifically to provoke me?" I find myself instinctively clutching the fabric of my black tennis skirt, pulling it down in an attempt to shield myself from his touch. "Or did you want to impress the guys at the gym. I bet you fucked at least one of them," his hand now slits under my sweater, his fingers digging deep in my waist. "I remember the way you used to look at me. Tell me doll, do you want to fuck me too?"

Devil Eyes [Do Gang-Jae]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon