My friends boyfriend couldn't make her cum so I did

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“Damn I forgot the paper plates, you want to come up to the apartment with me, Mira?” She begged me with her eyes.  


“Absolutely, nice to meet you, Zack.” I said flashing a fake smile. Little did he know, in 10 minutes my tongue would be in his girlfriend's pussy. 


We chatted walking up to Anna’s apartment. 


“God I’m sorry he was such a dick, Mira. Truly.” 


“You’re totally fine, the relationship problems are making sense now.” 


“I swear he’s not always like that, he’s just not great socially.” 


“Hey as long as the sex is good,” I joked to her. But the second I said it I realized how shitty I sounded. We looked at eachother for a little too long. 


“If I’m being honest, it’s not.” Anna sighed. 


“No?” I chanced, questioning a little further. We’d never talked this openly before. 


“No. He doesn’t… do much for me. It’s never been good, but I- I just feel like we’re compatible in other ways.” 


We walked in the door. It was a cute apartment. Roomy with vaulted ceilings. About as good at as it comes when you’re 25.  


Anna was rummaging around in the kitchen so I excused myself to the bathroom to change out of my sundress. Satisfied with my reflection in the mirror, I smiled seeing how nice my tits looked in the bikini. I came back in as she was putting paper plates and bottles of wine in a big grocery bag.  


“You ready to-“ She looked up. We stared at eachother. “Wow Zack wasn’t wrong. You do look good.” 


“You think so?” 


“Really good Mira, I had no idea.” 


“Thanks,” I smirked at her. 


“Where’s your bikini?” I asked.


“I haven’t had time to change yet.” 


“Can I see it?” I pushed the boundary. It was now or never.  


“I- yes sure.” 


We wandered into her bedroom and Anna started sorting through a drawer, mulling over different swimsuits. 


“What do you think of this one?” She held up an absolutely tiny black two piece set.  


“I can’t tell, you’re still wearing jeans.” I pointed out. 


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