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Taehyung was on his way to hospital where his father was admitted, Kim taejoon was found collapsed in his room after reading a letter from his beloved which he never knew she wrote it.

Its bit suprising for taehyung when he got news about his father back in busan, as if everything shattered just in a few minutes he found himself vulnerable, he lost everything his love, the reason of his happiness and now the news of his father.

He never wanted to admit but he has a soft heart towards his father maybe because he is the only one left beside him, after learning what jisoo did to him, seeing those pictures taehyung swore to never see her face again, never in his dream he ever thought that there will be a moment where he would hate her.

He can endure everything but cheating.
maybe because he saw his family broken because of this, or it just he love so much that betrayal is deprived.

After parking his car taehyung dashingly comes out his sculpted body showed from his body hugging suit, gathering the attention of nurses and envious eyes of young doctors, ever since he admitted his father in this hospital, women doctor and nurses swooning over his uncanny greek god like face.

Ignoring them with a smirk on his face he directly went to the Room no. 311 where his father stays.

Pushing the door he entered inside, closing the door slowly he turn to see his father,  sounds of heart machine can be heard he slowly reached to sit beside him without making any sound.

" Dad " taehyung put his dad's hand in his and spoke softly.

Kim taejoon opened his eyes slowly, a smile spread on his face seeing his beloved son.

" You look thin taehyung, are you not eating properly? " he asked in difficulty.

" I'm good dad, better than before " taehyung chuckled a bit sadly, being a father Kim taejoon detect his son unspoken sorrowful voice.

Just when he thinks his son became one of his kind, his quivering voice proves him wrong, Kim taejoon blamed jisoo for weakening his son.

Kim taejoon noticed his son stoic gloomy face while cutting him an apple, once again he's willing to dig the past to ensure that his son is trying to forget that woman , only then he could make him do what he wants, marriage with someone who can benefit his company as well as a good companion for his son.

" Have you contacted that woman recently " taehyung's hand stopped from cutting as he tried to process whom he is talking about.

" Who ? " looking intently at him, taehyung replied.

Kim taejoon liked his response but it doesn't stop him digging more " the one you are whipped for, for whom you leave your mansion "

" I don't wanted to talk about her " taehyung calmly said and proceed to cut the apple further but his tighten jaw speaking something else.

" But you used to love her, I guess? " Kim taejoon again strike back, is he love to see his son miserable? No, but he wants some reassurance.

" Exactly I used to , now she's nothing to me "

That's it , it is more than enough for Kim taejoon to relieve.

Taehyung gave him a slice of apple, his eyes were puffy probably because of work, or because of his insomnia, he tried many things, from medication to scented candle but nothing worked while he constantly looking for some good sleep.

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