A Time for Celebration

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If I was a bluebird, I would fly to ya.

You be the spoon,

Dip you in honey so I could be sticking to ya.

"Angie!" I cheered and hopped off the counter.

She pulled away from George, "Lettie!"

We ran towards each other and hugged tightly as I shouted enthusiastically, "Oh my Godic! I haven't seen you in so long!"

"I know! It's been a whole year! I've missed you so much!"

"I missed you too!"

When we pulled away, I saw Fred and George pulling apart from a hug as well.

Fred put an arm around my shoulders as he told his brother, "Thanks for letting us know you were going to get back late."

"It's no problem," George replied, "We wouldn't let you guys think we got snatched or something."

"This place looks fantastic!" Angelina stared in awe at the fully stocked shop.

There was a tug behind my navel as I swallowed hard, George's words causing me to get lost in my thoughts. Things have gotten worse over the summer. People were starting to disappear, and many places in Diagon Alley closed down, making the town almost look deserted. Most people left to go into hiding, but others weren't so lucky. Even Ollivander disappeared just the other day.

I've mentioned to Fred a couple of times how concerned I've been for his safety. Still, I've been most afraid to tell him that I've been experiencing that same uneasy feeling I had back when Dumbledore announced the Triwizard Tournament. The more people that disappeared, and the more the discussion of the impending war came up, the stronger this sense of doom got. Some nights it was so intense that it made me physically ill to the point that I threw up.

It became so common that one night, as Fred held my hair back while I spilt my stomach contents into the porcelain throne, he insisted I'd take a pregnancy testing potion. Once I was done puking, I sat on the floor once, clenched my abdomen, and assured him that I already did, and it came back negative, which was true. Maybe I was mistaken, but for a second, I thought there was a flash of disappointment in his eyes over that answer.

"So guess what?" George spoke merrily as he and Angie wrapped their arms around each other.

Angie beamed as she held up her hand to show off her new ring.

"Oh my gosh, Congratulations!" I squealed excitedly and hugged Angelina tightly again.

"I can't believe you thought for even a second that she'd say 'no'!" Fred teased his brother before giving him a congratulatory hug.

"Actually...there's more," George informed us.

Angie bit her lip anxiously at us as she and George pulled away from our hugs.

"What is it?" Fred eyed them inquisitively.

Angelina and George exchanged a look. As he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, she looked at us with excitement and nervousness in her expression and voice, "We, uh...We got married."

"WHAT?" Fried and I shouted in unison. My eyes widened, and it was kind of funny how far Fred's jaw dropped.

"What made you guys decide to do that?" I asked.

"Yeah! I was supposed to be your best man!" Fred whinged.

We were happy for them, but this news was a shock, and curiosity got the best of us. There were so many questions to ask.

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