All In a Day's Work

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But there's no way that it's not going there

with the way that we're looking at each other.

The rest of the day was filled with me showing Fred some of my favourite places. We went by a record store, and he bought some records he thought his mum would like. He also got Arthur some cassette tapes so he could amaze him by playing them on those old radios that his dad collects.

Then we grabbed a bite to eat at a small pizza place. Fred now shares my love for pepperoni pizza.

I took him to my favourite art museum after that. He had a lot of fun in there, but mostly because his mind ran wild with schemes he thought he could get away with. He pulled me from room to room, getting a new idea with each piece of art he stopped to admire. He feigned a posh posture that he deemed 'Slytherin worthy', asking if I thought that's how Lucious Malfoy would inspect the paintings. His chin would lift into the air as he crossed his arms before settling his chin between his thumb and finger. With narrowing eyes, his lips curled into an imitation of the haughty wizard's voice as he divulged his plans for mischief, sending me into fits of laughter every time.

One could say that he was...inspired by the art that hung on every wall. He had one idea to use an illusion charm to make all the artwork disappear and another to make it appear like the canvas of red, yellow, and white paint splatters in front of a muggle family with children was set ablaze. The way he raved about his schemes worried me so much that I decided to leave early.

When we left, I took him to the nearest thrift shop. He had always been interested in muggle fashion and found some trends hilarious, especially the ones from earlier decades. His new favourite item was extremely flared jeans. Unable to resist trying a pair on, he exited a changing room and immediately started posing in the clothes. Not only was he in the jeans, but he also had a paisley, long-sleeved, button-up shirt on, and his long red locks hung from underneath the baker boy cap adorned on top of his head.

Fred had me laughing hysterically as he modelled the outfit with his back turned to the three-way mirror. As he bit his bottom lip and held on to the shirt's collar, he crossed his legs and did a 180 turn to look at his reflection. I put my hand over my mouth as my titters started to subside.

I must admit, he looked charming in the outfit. As goofy as he was, it only made him that much more adorable.

He removed the cap and raked his fingers through his hair, "Maybe I should get a haircut..."

After not receiving an expected answer to his statement, Fred's eyes shifted to my reflection only to catch me admiring him again. As his features softened, he sent me the sweetest smile through the mirror, causing me to blush for the ump-teenth-hundredth time, but I didn't look away. Instead, I met his gaze and smiled back, feeling the warmth rise in my chest.


The sun was starting to set as I drove us to our final destination, and to his surprise.

"I can't believe you actually got the hat," I giggled.

"What? You know you find it sexy on me," Still wearing the cap atop his head, Fred grinned at me like a Cheshire cat, "Plus, you got, like, five different things."

I didn't respond to him because I was concentrating on pulling into a line of cars.

"Where are we?" He asked, leaning forward to get a better look at the place through the windshield.

"This, my friend, is what muggles call..." After paying the admission price for both of us, I tilted my head to look at him, "A drive-in."

My answer was met with a puzzled look, "What's a drive-in?"

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora