6th Year

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A/N:Again, I aged them up by a year for this story. Sorry in advance for how long this chapter is. It has a lot of info from the books and movies. I know it's stuff we've all watched and read before, but I tried to only stick to things that were important to the story line. I also tried to throw in cute moments between the characters that we haven't seen before. Also, I didn't want to stick with the movie version of there only being female Beauxbatons and male Durmstrangs

And if you're still bleeding,

You're the lucky ones.

'Cause most of our feelings,

they are Dead and they are gone.

"Do you need any help with your trunk?" Fred's voice snapped me from my thoughts.

"Hmmm?...Oh. Yes, Please," I told him dolefully while fiddling with my snitch pendant between my fingers. Fred took my trunk from me and loaded it unto the carriages as I took another glance at the thestrals. They are fascinating creatures, but I only admire them from afar.

"You okay, Lettie?" George nudged me.

Nodding, I answered wistfully and turned to him, "I'm okay."

"That's a nice necklace. Is that the one Cedric gave you?" Fred pointed, trying to change the subject to pull me out of the thoughts I was currently dwelling on.

"Thank you, and Yes," My dismal voice toned sadly with the approaching storm, "He got it for me at the World Cup."

I flattened my necklace against my chest and looked around, only now remembering that Cedric was supposed to meet us at the carriages.

"Where is Mr Super-Puff anyway?" George questioned.

"I don't know. He had to ride with the prefects and said he would meet us here."

As soon as I told him this, Cedric came bolting down the trail leading to the carriages, "Excuse me. Sorry—Ow! Are you okay? Sorry again," He mumbled as he passed several students, even accidentally running into a small second-year boy. After stopping to check on the boy, he finally caught up to us. Cedric struggled to catch his breath but smiled as he came to a halt in front of me. His chest heaved, and his hair floated back into place after his run.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. Cho couldn't find her bag and asked me to help. Then she had this question about Quidditch."

"Cho?" I lifted my eyebrows in response to the name, "As in Cho Chang?"

"Yeah," Cedric nodded as if he was still in a hurry, "I'm sorry. Once we found the bag, I told her I was running late to meet you and that she'd have to ask me her question later and-"

He started to ramble, but I held my hands up to stop him, "Cedric, it's okay! I'm not mad," I leaned in to suggest quietly, "We can talk about it later."

Fred and George had been watching and listening intently from the moment Cedric mentioned Cho because they dated in the past, long before he and I got together. I really wasn't upset about him talking to her though. It's his nature to never stop caring about people and always be helpful.

Cedric looked relieved, and I gave him a small smile before looking past him and shouting, "Angie!"

"Lettie!" Angelina yelled back exuberantly when she saw me and started running towards me. I did the same and threw my arms around her.

"I missed you so much!" She greeted me, elated and hugging me tight.

"I missed you too! You have to tell me all about your trip with your dad!"

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum