Birthday Gifts

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I had all and then, most of you.

Some and now, None of you.

Take me back to the night we met.

"Angieeee!" I yelled as I ran and plopped unto her bed, causing her to scream from suddenly being woken up in such a manner.

"What the bloody hell is this all about?" She asked through heavy fretful breaths as she fixed her hair.

"It's my birthday!" I beamed, sitting on her bed and bending my knees to sit on my legs, "Duh!"

Angelina eyed me sceptically, "Nooo....there's something else. Even on your birthday, you're never this giddy."

Feigning innocence as I looked away, I said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

She pointed a bossy finger at me, "Charlotte Hodges if you don't tell me right now, I will take back your birthday present!"

I held my hands up in defeat, not that I could contain my news much longer because the excitement made me feel like I was about to burst, "Cedric asked me out!" I squealed slightly.

Angelina gave a big smile that didn't quite meet her eyes, "Wow! That's great, Lettie."

I was a little perplexed as to why she didn't seem surprised by this news, but she spoke again, "Where is he taking you?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "He said it was a surprise."

Angelina seemed to struggle with finding something to say, looking around the room a bit before pulling another smile as she turned to me, "Well, you'll have to tell me all about it when you get back. Anyway, enough about Cedric. Open my gift first!" She perked up and reached into her nightstand before pulling out a small wrapped box, "Happy Birthday!"

Getting excited, I took the gift from her and started unwrapping it. Inside was a silver necklace with a small pendant with the initial 'C' engraved into it, adorned with a small gem that was the colour of my birthstone.

"It's beautiful, Angie!" I told her with a hug before pulling back and looking at it again, "Where ever did you get it?"

"At that little shop in Hogsmeade that I told you about. George took me when we met up with them the other day,"

"Ohhh," I wiggled my eyebrows, "You and George are jewellery shopping now, are you?"

She laughed bashfully and hit me twice with the pillow that was lying underneath her, "Shut. It."

I tried to play it off like it didn't happen and just crossed my arms, "I'm started to sense a pattern here. I don't know what's with you and the twins, but you all seem to feel the need to hit me with comfort items."

Angelina just laughed again, "Speaking of Fred, How about you open your gift from him," She pointed to the small couch resting under the alcove with Fred's gift sitting on top of it, "I'm going to go get ready," She grinned cheekily before throwing the covers off herself and heading to the bathroom, "See you at breakfast."

"See you there," I got up, went to the alcove, and grabbed my gift before sitting it on my bed. It was an odd shape underneath the wrapping paper with a card tied to it by a length of hemp rope. Deciding to take the card first, I sat on my bed and crossed my legs while opening it.

After pulling the card out, I opened it and inside was a small, vibrant purple Aster flower that looked like it had been flattened by the card. But as if blooming all over again, The flower slowly levitated into the air and returned to its original appearance.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now