A Night Together

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I'm not sure where this is gonna go,

But in this moment, all I know,

Is the skyline, though the window,

The moon above you and the streets below.

Before we knew it, the day had flown by, and Angie and I were now walking downstairs after getting ready for the night.

"Well, Isn't that adorable?" George chaffed from the living room when we saw us. He had been setting up for the slumber party that was supposed to be held in there.

"What is?" I asked him.

"You and Fred, of course," He replied as if it were so obvious, but even Angelina looked confused as she knitted her brows towards me.

"What are you talking about, George?" She turned back to him.

But before George could answer, Fred walked into the living room and stopped directly beside me.

He was too busy pondering over the two movies in his hands to notice me standing there, "Okay, so which one do you guys want to watch? We have IT , and The People Under the Stairs—Hey! Maybe Harry would like this one!" He quipped as he held up the latter of the two options.

When his eyes finally landed on me, he paused momentarily, his lips parting. Then they morphed into that famously confident smirk of his as his eyes lowered to my pyjamas, "Nice pants."

It took me a minute, but I finally realised we wore matching pairs of pyjama pants.

Okay, So I purposely wore the pair he gave me for my birthday a few years back in hopes that he'd notice, but I didn't expect him to wear his identical set, too.

Angelina gasped, "Awe! That is adorable!"

A pinkish hue appeared on the apples of Fred's cheeks, and I couldn't contain my grin. He was never one to be bashful. This was a side of him that I'd never gotten to see before.

"You think that's adorable?" I giggled before pinching his cheek and gushing, "Just look at that face."

Fred chuckled with an eye roll as he pushed my hand away, "Just pick a movie, will ya?"

"I got an idea!" Angelina held up a finger, "How about instead of a scary movie, we watch a romantic comedy?" She squealed.

Fred and George groaned, but I gasped, "Oh Godic, I just remembered I brought that new movie we've been dying to see!"

"You mean Clueless?" Angie's perked up eagerly with wide eyes.

"Yes! It just came out this summer!" I beamed, my excitement building up along with Angie's.

"We so have to watch it!" She said, gripping my hands.

We both squealed and started jumping in place.

"Now, wait just a minute! Don't we get a say in this?" Fred motioned between him and George.

"Yeah, I don't know what you guys are talking about, but I know this cannot be the first movie I ever watch," George objected, sticking his hands in his back pockets.

Angelina looked up as she held onto his arm, "Please, Baby!" She put on the sweetest whinge and batted her eyelashes at him, "It would mean so much to me."

George watched her dubiously, "I don't know..."

"Don't cave now, Georgie!" Fred protested, but I quickly covered his mouth with my hand.

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