The Yule Ball Pt. 1

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I'm Speechless,

Staring at you standing there in that dress,

What it's doing to me ain't a secret,

'Cause watching you is all that I can do.

A month passed, and Christmas was here before we knew it. I just walked out of the shower and into our dorm, where Angelina was already laying out her makeup and dressed in her bathrobe. Excitement filled the atmosphere with each passing minute.

"What time is Hermione and Ginny getting here?" I asked. As if sensing their names, there was a knock on the door.

Angie smirked, "That'll be them."

I beamed with a squeal before hurrying to open the door.

"Alright! Who's ready to get this Yule Ball on the roll!" Ginny shouted as she entered the room while her dress dangled from her fingertip raised above her head. Hermione followed behind, giggling bashfully at Ginny's seemingly dad joke and clutching her dress hanger closer to her body.

"Hey!" I smiled and pulled them into a hug.

After everyone hugged each other and said 'Hello,' Hermione and Ginny hung their dresses in our cupboard.

We spent a few hours doing our makeup, helping each other with our hair, and talking about how excited we were about The Ball. Oh, and I can't forget how much we laughed at all of Ginny's jokes. While Angie was helping apply a body glitter charm to my collarbones, Ginny cracked a joke that so hilarious Anigie immediately doubled over laughing and shot the charm straight into my mouth. I instinctively pulled back into a face scrunch as my lips trilled to release the grainy sparkles. My teeth scraped against my tongue as I opened my mouth and yelled, "Yeee-UCK!" This only made us laugh harder, and luckily Hermione knew the exact spell to reverse the magic before starting over to apply the glittering charm properly.

After another moment or two, Angie had a hair grip placed between her teeth as she styled Hermione's hair. She's always been good at these glamour spells and routines. I watched their reflections in my vanity as I ran a brush through the ends of my hair one last time, asking, "Hermione, are you ever going to tell us who your date is?"

"Okay. Fine," Hermione pointed at us with a stern look, "But you three have to promise me you won't tell the boys."

"We promise," Angelina answered for us all.

"It's..." Hermione took a deep breath before squinting an eye and crinkling her nose, "Viktor Krum."

The room filled with audible gasps, and the sight of our jaws falling to the ground made Hermione bust out in a laugh.

"You're kidding!" Angelina exclaimed, her jaw still hanging open.

Ginny's posture perked up as she grinned wildly, "Ohhh, Ron's going to shit himself!"

Hermione looked shocked by the youngest Weasley's vulgarity, "Ginny!"

Ginny shrugged, her hands held up in defence, "I'm just saying what we're all thinking!"

I was excited for Hermione. I really was, but I never had as strong of opinions of Quidditch as Angie and Ginny, who both soon erupted into a chorus of questions about the famous Bulgarian Quidditch player.

I tried to keep up with the conversation, but my knowledge of the sport was minimal compared to theirs. I didn't hate Quidditch, but I didn't know much about it. What I did know about it came from Fred, George, Angelina, and Cedric.

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