The Goblet of Fire

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A/N: So the next few chapters are going to mostly be about Cedric and Charlotte. I will have moments of Fred and Charlotte in there. But obviously as Cedric and Charlotte grow closer there is a wedge being driven between her and Fred.

We keep this love in a photograph.

We made these memories for ourselves.

Where our eyes are never closing,

Hearts are never broken,

Times forever frozen still.

"Sooo, Guess what I just did?" Angelina sang as she sat down beside me and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"I don't need to know the intimate details between you and George," I told her through a bite of my eggs while looking at my new class schedule.

She threw a piece of toast at me from the plate that had appeared in front of her.

"What?!" I feigned shock at her actions, "What did I say?"

She pointed at me, "If that were to happen, you would be the first person I tell, and you know you'd be happy for us."

I cocked my head to the side and pretended to ponder this statement, "Hmmm. True. Anyways, what did you just do?"

"I put my name in The Goblet of Fire," She grinned proudly.

"That's great, Angie!" I exclaimed, "Oh, George will be so jealous!"

The whole thought of this tournament seemed exciting enough, but I couldn't help but be nervous for all my friends. Maybe Dumbledore stressing the danger last night was just for theatrics, but something deep down told me it wasn't. Then my friends and possibly my boyfriend seemed keen to take a chance and gamble with their life. It perplexed me. Still...I could be wrong, and it could be safe. They all seemed so thrilled to join, and I didn't want to state my worries and ruin the moment for them.

"Thank you. And tell me about it!" She mischievously tapped her fingertips together, "I can't wait to see the look on his face."

"Good morning, Ladies!" Cedric stepped in a stride as he approached us and kissed my temple after sitting beside me.

I chimed happily, "Good Morning, Love."

"Good Morning, Ced," Angelina greeted.

"Where's Fred and George?" He asked.

"They won't come out of their room," I answered.

"Yeah, They said they're working on something vital," Angelina added with a slightly anxious look on her face.

"Is it another product?"

"That would normally be the case, but they won't tell us what it is. Which isn't like them. So probably not," I shrugged.

Angelina rested her chin in her palm, "They said we'll find out soon, though."

After a few moments of eating our breakfast in silence, we started talking again.

"Is that your timetable?" Cedric wiped his mouth with a napkin and pointed at the schedule beside my plate.

"Yeah. Wanna see?"

He nodded, "Definitely. I still need mine. So I have no idea what it's looking like for Hufflepuff."

I passed him the piece of parchment and took a sip of my pumpkin juice while he analyzed it.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now