Oh Boy

393 10 23


This is so weird.

He's staying in my house?! For who knows how long.

I guess that'll either speed my feelings up and make me figure things out, or put it on hold so it's not weird.

Maybe I can find out if he feels the same.

We pulled up into the driveway and I helped him out again.

Y/n: Do you need help walking up the stairs

Albert: If you don't mind then yes please

He wrapped his warm arm around my shoulder and I supported him with mine.

Slowly we got up the stairs and thought the door.

I sat him down in the couch and helped him prop his leg up with some pillows.

I offered him some water and Tylenol, which he denied of course.

He never likes accepting help.

But I still want to give it anyway.

Mom: Hey y/n can I see you in my room real quick please

Y/n: I'll be right there! Albert just call me if you need me

Albert managed a slight smile and I walked away,

My mom shut the door slowly and sat me down.

Mom: So I understand there's some tension between you two

Y/n: And that's my cue to leave

God this is so awkward.

Mom: I'm being serious y/n

Y/n: There's nothing going on and there's no tension mom

Mom: You stayed overnight together at the hospital, that's not exactly nothing

Y/n: What was I supposed to do? Leave him there alone?

Mom: No honey, you did the right thing. All I'm saying is feelings grow and I want you to know I'll support you, but I need to know what's going on under my roof

Y/n: Mom I swear nothings happening. I'd tell you if something was up

Mom: If you say so, then I believe you. I have a lot of trust in you y/n, please don't ruin that for yourself

Y/n: Okay

Sometimes I really can't believe her.

I walked out of the room and out to the living room.

Y/n: Are you hungry?

Albert: Yeah a little

Y/n: I'll ask my mom to make something

Albert: Are you sure? She's already doing so much for me

Y/n: She has to eat too so it's not even an inconvenience

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