The Other Boy

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We started loading our bags into our lockers and taking our iPads out for class, as a tall and familiar boy approached us. Jess buried her face in her locker in an attempt to hide.

That's when I realized it was Jake.

Jake: Hey y/n

He said while smiling and trying to peak over my shoulder.

Jake: And Jess!

Jess jolted and plastered a smile on her face.

Jess: Oh hey Jake!

Jake wasn't alone though.

Another boy was there, but he wasn't familiar.

After Jake and Jess talked for a little he turned around to face me.

Jake: Hey uhh do you think we could switch lockers

Y/n: I mean I guess

Jake: Just act like this was your idea though, okay?

I then grabbed my bag and moved a locker over and the other boy looked over at me.

Y/n: Hey I'm y/n! I haven't seen you around before, are you new?

???: Yeah I am actually. I'm Albert by the way

Y/n: Sick name. Do you know where your classes are yet?

Albert: Not yet. I was supposed to go for a tour but I slept in too late and missed it

Y/n: Ah I see. You're the lazy type huh

Albert: No no no haha. I mean kinda..

Y/n: I was just messing Albert. Want me to show you around?

Albert: I'd love that

Through all of that interaction I felt my face warm up. At first I ignored it but it wouldn't leave.

Albert: Alright first I have history with Ms. Jennigan

Y/n: You're joking

Albert: Umm no?

Y/n: I have that too! Room 205... up the stairs and on the far left. What's next?

Albert: Hmm Mr. McVey for business

Y/n: First of all ew. And second he's right next to our lockers

Albert: Oh God please tell me he isn't bad or strict

Y/n: Alright I won't

He let out a small laugh and smiled.

Albert: Hey I think I might need your number... in case I uh get lost of course!

Y/n: Oh but of course

We exchanged numbers and headed to 1st period history since the bell had rung.

Some seats were open in the back so I took the one next to the window. I was surprised to see Albert go right behind me.

After about 30 minutes of boring nothingness, discussing the syllabus and going over class rules, I was startled.

My music suddenly stopped playing in my AirPods and Siri read a text out.

Siri: Text from; Albert so cool flamingo emoji

I couldn't help but giggle slightly at the name he put in for his contact. Albert noticed this and shushed me.

Albert so cool 🦩
Got any snacks?

Not for you I don't

Albert so cool🦩
Wow.. I thought we were gonna be best friends
We could've been y/n😔

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