Funny Moment

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Before I lay my head down on hers, I closed my laptop quietly and placed it on the floor trying not to move y/n.

It ended up making somewhat of a loud sound because I couldn't put it down without moving, so I just dropped it.

I sunk down and rest my head on hers.

She must've unconsciously felt me because she snuggled up closer.

I gently put my arm around her and closed my eyes.

This was the best night of my life.

Who would've known a stranger would make such an impact, only from one day.

Somehow y/n made me feel like all of my trauma had been healed.

Nothing else mattered when I talked with her.

Now here I am laying next to her with my head on hers and my arm warmly hugging her.

Soon after, I fell asleep and was startled awake by my alarm clock.

Never mind.

It was y/n's alarm. I'm not that responsible.

Luckily I stopped it in time so she could continue sleeping. After all, it was only 5:30 and school didn't start until 7:30.

Why does she have an alarm set for now?!

We only got to sleep for like 30 minutes.

I slowly slipped away and lay her down on my pillow before heading to the bathroom to shower.

Y/n POV:

The mornings were usually pretty busy at my house but it was peaceful at Albert's.

The scent of his pillow filled my nostrils and it was wonderful. It was sort of musky but fresh.

I then realized that I was smelling Alberts pillow. That means that I'm at Alberts house.

Which means I never went home.

My moms going to kill me.

The minute I was able to get up I checked my phone for any missed calls.

There was only a text though.

Mother 💕
Just wanted to let you know I'll be home for lunch time tomorrow or maybe even dinner. I stayed at Ross's for the night because I was too tired to go home last night. There's some salad in the fridge if you want to take that for school. Love you ❤️❤️

Hope work was good I'll see you later love you❤️

I'm in the clear.

The only thing was I didn't know where Albert was.

My first instinct was to go look around.

As I walked passed a halfway opened door, I decided to stop and look in.

I grabbed the door knob and pushed it open.

I nearly died.

There he was standing with his towel held up to his waist checking himself out in the mirror.

Stupidly I laughed and startled Albert which made him drop his towel.

Albert: Y/n! It's not what it looks like!

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