Suspicions Rising

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On the drive to school, we listened to some music and talked.

Albert: Are you sure you're okay?

Y/n: Yeah don't worry I'm good

Albert: Man Jess won't quit texting me. I forgot she even had my number

Y/n: Oh no I forgot to text her back

Hey girl

It's about time you answered
Why haven't you been answering anyone?
Are you okay?
Why didn't you walk with me?
Are you home?
What is going on

1. Coming I woke up late
2.  I was sleeping
3. Yes ma'am
4. I'm sorry I forgot
5. No
6. Idek

Jess POV:

Why did she say she forgot? She never forgets. It's the second day of school how do you just forget?

I thought she woke up late, not forgot. That's a bit weird. Also what does she mean she doesn't know? This is strange.

School hasn't started yet but I wanted to walk early with her. Oh well I guess.

Albert POV:

Was y/n lying? Is she really okay?

My mind couldn't stop racing on the drive to school. I just want to make sure she's okay. I feel so bad I pushed her too far.

My passenger seat sure does suit her.

Albert: Alright here we are

Before she could even grab her bag I ran over to open the door for her.

Y/n: Gracias

Albert: Denada

Y/n: Wanna go find the gang with me?

Albert: Yeah let's go!

We sped walked through the hall to our lockers.

Jake: Well look who decided to show up!

Y/n: Oh yeah I woke up late sorry

Albert: Me too

Kaden: Coincidence!? I think not!

Jess: Kaden it's not that deep

Jake: That's what she said

Albert: Dayumm

Raven: No I've never said that actually

Y/n: Anyways I'm off to first block


Jake's jaw dropped.

Kaden: Moving on. Look who's responsible now

Jess: Our little y/n is growing up

Raven: This is enough to make a grown man cry

Albert: I guess I'm off too!

Jake: Not without me!

Albert POV:

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