Causing Trouble

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Authors note: Thank you readers!!

Y/n and Albert walked into class. Everyone else was already seated, now staring.

There were some open spots in the back so naturally they walked over and sat down. Kaden was resting his head down on his desk. Once he heard y/n and Albert talking and later sitting in front of him, he peeked up.

He didn't want them to notice it was him, but he wanted to listen in.

Y/n: I'm surprised Ms. Whatever her name is didn't ask any questions

Albert: Me too. I was ready to lie on spot

Y/n: You can do that?

Albert: Well yeah I'm used to coming up with stuff to get out of trouble

Y/n thought for a moment. She was a bit worried she'd be getting herself into something she shouldn't, with someone she shouldn't. But that all changed when he smiled.

Albert: You good?

Y/n: Oh uh yeah

Her face was starting to warm up and she was flustered.

They were rudely interrupted.

Ms. Monroe: Okay who's ready to start our first assignment!

Albert: You're joking

Ms. Monroe: Do we have a problem Mr...

She gave him a demanding look but he didn't care.

Albert put his feet up on his desk and leaned back in his chair. His arms were crossed and he seemed like he couldn't care less.

Albert: Aretz

He finally answered.

Ms. Monroe: Ah I see

She scrolled down on her iPad and looked back up at him.

Ms. Monroe: You've got quite the record Mr. Aretz

Albert: Yes ma'am

Ms. Monroe: Cut the formalities Albert. Disrespect and things of that sort will not be tolerated in this classroom. Do you understand?

Albert: Yes ma'am

He rolled his eyes and looked to his right, where y/n was sitting.

She had a concerned look on her face. Somewhat shocked and disappointed at the same time.

While Albert was looking over at her, she took a sip of her water and he gave her a wink. She started to giggle, which eventually led to choking. Albert noticed and started laughing.

They both stared at each other and laughed until they couldn't breathe, all while trying to keep it in as much as they could.

Y/n's face was bright red from trying to hold it in, and partly from her growing feelings. Alberts face matched hers.

Kaden watched with a genuine smile. He never saw y/n so comfortable around someone, let alone a stranger basically.

It was all so very nice; until Ms. Monroe caught them.

She walked over and slammed her hand on Alberts desk. It startled him enough to make him jolt in his chair, almost falling over.

Ms. Monroe: Mr. Aretz and Ms. L/n. It seems you two are having a great time back here! I would hate to interrupt. Not to worry though, you can move your laughter into Mr. Bailey's office!

Y/n: I'm sorry it won't happen again

Ms. Monroe: You're right it won't. Office, both of you. Now.

Albert: Come on now. We're teenagers having a good laugh. We already did your stupid syllabus and will get all of the work done

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