"What happened?" Lauren questioned.

"I don't know. He didn't come back to the dorm last night and I was riding bike through here like I usually do when I'm going to the drug store and I spot someone here. I came over just to make sure whoever it was, was okay but then it turned out to be Ash and I fucking flipped out. I'm sorry I didn't know who else to call and I didn't mean to freak you out if I did. I just knew you had a car and I figured you were probably in the area since Zayn doesn't live far from here," Luke explained.

"It's okay. I wasn't in the area, I was actually at my parents house but that's alright; is he knocked out? Has he woken up at all?" Lauren wondered.

"I think he might have been drugged or something. He doesn't make any sense. He went out to Lincoln road last night with some friends of ours, Michael and Calum, but I was with Hailee so I didn't go. The last thing I knew of them they were going to some club and then I didn't hear from them at all after that. Now he's periodically waking up and mumbling some nonsense and then he starts saying 'I don't know where they are I promise'." Luke stated and Lauren titled her head in confusion, it was pretty strange for him to wake up and say that.

"Maybe he's dreaming? I don't know. We should get him back to the dorm," Lauren suggested and Luke nodded. "Have you been able to get in contact with your friends?"

"Yeah, they said the last time they saw him he was with some blonde girl who was their waitress at the restaurant they ate at before going to the club," Luke explained as Lauren opened the trunk of her car for him to place his bike in.

"Wait..which restaurant?" Lauren wondered if maybe by some weird coincidence it was Perrie.

"Quattro something? It's an Italian place," Luke told Lauren and she could not believe it. Had Perrie done something to Ashton to try and get information out of him about Lauren and Zayn? There was no way. How could Perrie possibly know that Lauren knew Ashton. Maybe Lauren was just over reacting. Maybe it was some other blonde, Perrie can't be the only blonde that works there.

"You okay? Why'd you ask?" Luke questioned as he closed the trunk of Lauren's car.

"Uhm-yeah I'm okay. I don't know, I just know the restaurant, I go there every so often so I was just trying to think of some of the blonde waitresses," Lauren explained.

"Oh, okay," Luke responded as he walked back over to Ashton and tried to wake him up enough so that he could assist his limp body to the car.

"Do you need help?" Lauren asked as she saw beads of sweat drip down Luke's face while carrying Ashton to the car.

"No don't worry, I got it," Luke said approaching the open back seat door and tossing Ashton in across it. Lauren sat in the drivers seat as she waited for Luke to get Ashton in correctly and then sit in the front seat himself. She decided to text Zayn in the mean time to let him know what was happening.

'Lauren: hey love. So apparently Luke found Ash passed out in the middle of no where and something's up with him. He hadn't heard from him since last night and the friends he was with hadn't seen him since he went out with- are you ready for this tell me who comes to mind when I tell you- some blonde waitress from Quattro G...'

'Baby 🙊💙: Perrie...'

'Lauren: YES. But is it just way too weird and coincidental or do you think she somehow knew that I know Ashton and did something to him. He's acting like he got drugged.'

'Baby 🙊💙: idk Laur, how could she possibly know that you know him unless he said something. I guess you'd have to wait and see if he can explain once he's not acting however he is'

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