With the help of the 4 hands and 2 feet kicking, Craig's spot was free for any digging he wanted "There, Craig! Sorry it took a little bit but you have plenty of time to get your treasure!"Ms.Muhberry smiled then walked away to let her student dig for the years old treasure.


Craig waited 2 whole weeks for this day to come, he even tried to fight the night terror he had last night so he'd get enough sleep for the time capsule to be dug up. But now he was freezing up and wishing his mom would get off work early and pick him up, but that wasn't happening. Craig had to dig up a spot that was once covered by a rock.

"What if that kid put something bad under there? What if it's a dead animal or a dead body, again..."

Craig gripped onto dear life on his shovel as his thoughts spiralled, all the kids in his class were digging up their spots or celebrating about the cool thing they found but he was just standing there terrified.

His mind was screaming at him to put the shovel up and dig up the ground before class was done, but he was too frozen to do anything.

His vision morphed the rock into the same rock with Jason's mother's initials carved in the front with the flowers surrounded it unharmed and the light green grass taking shape in perfectly mowed and unbothered bright green grass.

Craig couldn't move, he just shook there shaking with the shovel in hands. "Am I really going to ruin her grave, again?"Craig's brain taunted him.


"Craig! Craig, are you okay?"

Craig heard Ms.Muhberry's voice trail and lead towards him and he was back to the back of the school, in front of the spot he was supposed to dig up but couldn't and he didn't need to look around at his classmates to know they were all looking at him. Ms.Muhberry's speed walked towards Craig with worry on her face.

Craig didn't know if it was out of reflex or panic, but he threw his shovel down and ran off.

Craig didn't know where he was running, he just knew wanted to get out of there. Away from the rock, away from school and away from the guilt of doing something oh so disrespectful to that poor scout's mother.

"Jason..."Craig let out a hushed breath as the blond came into his memory, he lost his footing and almost fell face first. But a lady caught him in time "Craig! Why did you run off like that?!".

Oh, Ms.Muhberry caught up to him and prevented his falling.

She didn't look mad, at least that's what Craig thought. She moved her red hair from her face and kneeled down to him ready to talk.

Time skip

Ms.Muhberry said he's not in trouble.

Some kids were asking if they could dig up Craig's spot since it seemed like he didn't want to, of course Ms.Muhberry angrily rejected the idea and said it was up to Craig.

But Craig was still angry, not at the kids but Jason.

He couldn't really say 'Still' in that sentence but he knew what he meant.

During recess, instead of sitting at a table reading a Slide the Ferret comic, playing on the swing or playing hide and seek with the kids who are apart of the soccer team but no. Instead, he sat there angrily staring at the spot Ms.Muhberry moved the rock for him but he wasted her and that boy's effort into moving out the way for him.

Craig felt angry, "Why couldn't your dad just put her in a graveyard, Jason...Somewhere normal"Craig mentally cursed angrily to himself holding the shovel for the sandbox a girl gave him after she decided to go play somewhere else. At first he felt embarrassment over the fact all the children in his class were giving him weird looks as they held what they found in their hands, some even whispering.

But for a reason Craig didn't know or even think about the logic of, he shot his blame at Jason and let him bleed out without hesitation. Logic was out the window, now all Craig wanted to do was dig. He used the guilt of his deed and let it manifest to anger.

With all his force he thrusted the shovel into the ground, he repeated this for the entire time he had recess.

The bell was seconds away from ringing when he finally hit something hard, a metal box. He grabbed the box and set it down, he opened what he thought looked like a metal pencil case and viewed his treasure. There was a safety pin that was dangling with beads in three individual  lines saying "Eat the rich" and underneath it was a VHS tape in it's case read a movie title. Craig opened the case and saw hidden was a yellow and pink themed beaded bracelet, this time saying 'Fuck war'. "Huh, whoever buried this must have had some serious stealth to sneak this in a time capsule"Craig sighed taking the bracelet, VHS tape case, safety pin and put both in his backpack.

Craig looked up and unsurprisingly all the kids were staring at Craig, getting a last minute start on his time capsule.

The bell for recess ending went off and kids started walking, Craig became one of the kids to go back to his classroom.

Craig had calmed down about digging up his time capsule a little later than his peers but at least Ms.Muhberry stopped worrying since she saw what Craig found, minus the bracelet. Craig liked the bracelet despite the profanity and he got to wear the, 'Eat the rich' saftey pin for the rest of the day.

But now he had guilt, guilt that poked and stabbed him everyday. Craig wondered if all this happening was because Jason's mother is angry at him for screwing with her grave and ruining the flowers she planted or the times he was mean to her son. So as karma she threw all these issues at Craig to remind him of his guilt that reminded him of how he hurt Jason.

This was a secret he couldn't even pass down to Secret Keeper, no one could know.

But now Craig knew and he hated it.

Fun fact, the saftey pin and bracelet Craig finds are references to these bracelets my online friends make, they're really fucking amazing and I had to include one of them. I might make more refrences to their bracelets in later chapters or work.

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