𝐱𝐱𝐯. 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬

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All the residents plates had been especially full lately, due to the upcoming boards.

Charlottes bedroom was left a mess after her sisters visit, and she'd had yet to clean it. Keep in mind she likes to keep her room clean.

But her plate was full already.

She was also torn between specialties—which was not good, due to the fact she had about two weeks to decide.

Charlotte always thought she was going to go for orthopedics, but lately she's been interested in trauma.

Or maybe it was the chief resident who she was interested in.

Charlotte rolled her eyes at her brain, which had somehow convinced her to tell her sister she might have a little teeny tiny itty bitty crush on the redhead.

Not a good idea.

On top of everything that's already going on, she has her little sister harassing her. It's not bad harassing, no, she has a reason behind it.

That reason being that she wants her sister to be happy, and.. in love.

Ana's words, not Charlottes.

Charlotte had told her to fuck off, but Ana is just as stubborn as her big sister. Which means she won't give up easily.

The brunette was able to get her sister off her back for at least the rest of the week, as she told her she broke her phone. Which she told Ana through the house phone.

She knew it was rude, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. She already had so much on her plate, that it was overflowing.

She had so much to do in so little time.

That included packing her bag for the boards, which were quickly approaching.

But right now, despite all her stress, all she wanted to do was find April, watch a movie, and go to bed.

Except, it was still morning.

She was already annoyed, and wanted to get home, when Mark—whom was playing interim chief for the day—asked her where the rest of her resident friends were.

So she was now on the hunt for her friends.

Charlotte was vaguely aware that Cristina wasn't here, due to Meredith telling her. But she held back any details if she had any.

Jackson was with Mark for the duration of the day, as was the same for Meredith who was with Bailey and Richard.

Although she knew she technically didn't have to listen to Mark, she still did. But only because she was curious as to where April currently was.

The answer was not exciting.

She found Alex and April harassing Lexie into memorizing cases for them to study off of.

Charlotte being the person she was, scolded Alex and April—more Alex, because whether she wanted to admit it or not, she was going soft for April.

If any other person would comment on something like her appearance or if she pronounced something wrong, she would most likely flip them off.

But April? No.

To Charlotte she is precious.

Maybe it's because she's a virgin, but that's how she felt. Add that to another reason she doesn't want to do anything about her tiny crush.

She was in no shape to take a woman's virginity—let alone a straight woman's virginity.

Charlotte watches in amazement as April gaslights Lexie into memorizing all the cases her and Alex had pulled out.

"We're so excited to have you studying with us," The redhead breaks out into a smile.

Lexie clears her throat as Alex pushes her chair in.


"She's almost finished," Alex pushed April's charts away.

"That's what she said," Charlotte said under her breath. At this point she was begging to be paged somewhere. But it wasn't happening.

April cheeks burn red at the comment, and that makes Charlottes heart swell and break all at once.

She'll admit it, she did have a little crush on the redhead, which is why the blushing made her heart swell. But her heart breaks for herself because she knows she'll never get to tell April the way she feels.

"She has read all of your charts and none of mine," Aprils voice pulls Charlotte out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, I found her here," Alex says over Lexie in a hushed voice, said girl looking to Charlotte for help. "I brought her here."

"Hey, Lex, can you take a look at some of my cases, too?" Jackson walked behind her with a few case folders. "Or not. I mean, it's— it's fine if— if you don't want to."

"No," Lexie winces at herself. "It's okay. I— I can. I— I will—"

"Thank you," Jackson said, not seeing how exhausted the resident was.

"No, no, no, no, you will not," April pushes Jackson away. "Not until she's finished with mine."

Meredith comes through and lands a big stack of manila folders on the table, "Okay, these take priority, Lexie."

"You don't need Lexie," Alex pushes the files away from his. "You got Torres."

"They're for Cristina," Meredith defended herself.

"She's not even here," Alex throws his hands up.

"Which is why she needs the help," Meredith insisted.

"She does not need the help!"

Jackson, April, Meredith and April all start arguing with each other all at once. Lexie still sits there, not knowing what to do. Charlotte decides that this is when she needs to step in.

"Shh," Charlotte rolls her eyes, removing her feet from the table and standing. "Everybody shut up!"

Eyes are drawn to Charlotte.

"Lexie is not a machine," Charlotte looks at everyone, her eyes landing on Lexie. "She is a resident, which means her life, and job is already hard enough. She doesn't need you guys adding to it by forcing her to memorize, like, a thousand charts!"

Charlottes hands land on her hips, trying to assert dominance, but she already had it, because everyone immediately stepped back from Lexie.

"I think we can all use everything she's already memorized. And after that, if Lexie wants to memorize more, she can," Charlotte nods, proud of herself. She definitely wasn't losing her touch.

"That was hot," Meredith smirks.

Charlotte laughs, lightening the mood.

"But she's right. No more using Lexie as a database. She doesn't deserve this. If we really want to pass the boards we'll have to do it on our own," Meredith shakes her head, her arms crossed.


The next morning Charlotte and Meredith come up with a new method. The two call it the Grey-Brown Method.

They have a big brown paper taped to the wall.  The last names Karev, Avery, Brown, Grey, and Kepner and written across the paper.

"So do you know why we brought you all here this morning?" Meredith asks the trio.

"To help you," Charlotte steps in. "Because even though we all take the boards alone, if we work together we can all pass."

Meredith places a few markers on the coffee table in front of Jackson, Alex and April.

"If you're not at the hospital you're here," Meredith stands by the paper as Charlotte sits beside April on the couch, Jackson on her other side, and Alex on the chair. "You sleep here, you eat here. There are no distractions, no breaks. This is the Grey-Brown Method, and it starts now."

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐃, 𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝐤𝐞𝐩𝐧𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now