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- 2 1/2 years later -

Now you're probably wondering what happened to everyone?

Where are they now?

Well Keil Barker was expelled for Oakwood college due to his violent actions, went to court, and was sentenced to two years in prison.

Through Keil's investigation they soon discovered Mr. Ferns inappropriate behavior towards students. Further supported with photographic evidence causing him to be fired from his job, followed by him losing all of his credibility.

Heard he never got another teaching job again.

As for Daniele he carried on with his life peer usually, same old Daniele, didn't really change.

He still gets put in the friend zone, still hangs out at Kappa Sigma, and still supplies booze.

Abigail became roommates with Terry, and afterwards they rented an apartment together.

She still continues her "club," and the only attendants now are her, and Terry. Abigail still is the same, though it seems she changed.

Only a little.

As for Terry... what is there to say about her?

Your also probably wondering who I am.

Well my existence was none of the importance, since I was never with Pretty girl when all of this transpired.

You see I was merely told this by Pretty girl herself, once we slowly became somewhat of friends.

I met her two in a half years after all of this occurred, and through the cruel passing of time she's forgotten.

She tells her story with missing details, or fills it with things that never happened. But I remember. I tell her story to remember for her.

I haven't forgotten about Mr. Fern, Daniel, Terry, Keil, Or either Abigail.

They live rent free in my mind.

Iremember the way she was treated by the people around her.

I remember herunavoidable isolation.

I remember how she longed for something more.

The firsttime I met her was two in a half years after the incident. It was my first dayon campus...

I somehow managed to wonder from my guide, and ended up in an unknown area.

How that was possible is beyond me.

And like a headless chicken I frantically searched for my guide, while dumbly not thinking of asking a passing student for directions.

I guess my pride got the best of me. All the hallways in the college began to appear the same, leading me in an endless loop of desperation.

Oakwood college isn't at all small, and it's not large. But why did it feel humongous?

In a stroke of luck I came across a library. Sure it's not where my guide would be, but I could find answers, I think.

Before coming inside there was a sign that read 'please don't enter. Maintenance needed.'

Completely ignoring the sign I entered rationalizing maybe a librarian was in there. Sure they'd probably be pissed, but at least I'd get some answers.

Inside It was empty full of unmanaged clutter. There were tables pilled with books that needed to be sorted.

The counter was unattended, and it didn't look like anyone else was around. So, I did the next logical thing.

"Hello is anyone in here?" I screamed for a response.

"Hello?" A voice called out, somewhere farther within the library.

I followed that voice which lead me too a girl, with the only feature sticking out was the gnarly scars, scattered across the left side of her face.

The scars were healed, still they left an awful aftermath. It shocked me since that was the first thing I noticed.

The curiosity in me wanted to ask the story behind it, though I stopped myself knowing it would probably be a sensitive topic.

The second thing I noticed were her eyes which never broke eye contact. Probably wondering if I read the sign outside, or not.

"What can I do for you?" She asked first.

"Oh", I snapped out of my trance.

"Well I need to know where Ummm... I think his name was like Philip, I'm new, and I lost my guide, and I was wondering if you know where he could possibly be, or where I should go to?"

"Well I mean I don't know where Philip is, but you can go to the information desk which is ... ok if you go out of this building turn left and keep walking straight until you see a medium size building with our mascot statue outside of it, you've found the building. So once you get there go inside of the building, then head up the stairs, and they should be the first thing you see, since they'll have a sign saying 'information desk'. Well I hoped I helped, and hope you enjoy your time here."

Before I left I wanted to chat for just a little longer.

"Do you like it here?"

She closed the book she was reading prior, knowing to an extant I was going to be here for a while.

"Well I think Oakwood college has many things to offer that can benefit everyone here, but then again not every college is for everyone, but you'll just have to see if this is for you." I asked back, "Is that everyone's answer here at this college?"

She responded with "Well depends who you ask."

I nodded my head in agreement, "fair enough. I better get going before they start worrying about me. See you around." I waved, while she did so as well. When I was one foot out the door I went back to her, forgetting to ask one final question.

"Hey I'm back, I totally forgot to introduce myself, hi I'm Olivia, and I'm official enrolled at Oakwood college."

She then said back, "hi Olivia, welcome to Oakwood college."

Silence broke out between us, and she looked at me with an unsure expression.

"Well aren't you going to tell me what your name is?"

Her face transformed into disbelief. Almost like she wasn't expecting that question.

The corners of her lips awkwardly turned upward. Almost like a newborn learning how to smile for the first time. It was strange, yet oddly genuine.

Then she quietly told me, "My name is _____".

-The End-

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