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After her little session with Mr. Fern she traveled to her dorm to retrieve necessary items for her next class.

Expecting it to be a quick trip, she was pleasantly surprised to spot Abigail in the room with her.

"Where were you?" She demanded an explanation.

Pretty girl jolted from the sternness she exuded.

Multitasking between collecting her belongings, and trying to care about Abigail's concerns, she answered back, "uh... just went to Mr. Fern's classroom to get help for a quiz on Sunday."

"Well why didn't you tell me?" She whined.

Pretty girl reached for her text books, and grabbed her pencil case.

"It's just this week has been crazy, and I have a lot on my mind", she explained, prepared to go to her upcoming class.

"Well, you still should've told me!" her face heating up with rage.

Yet, after a few seconds the shade of annoyance slightly subsided as her freckled face turned to bright pink.

 "Can we talk later? I really need to go now."

With one hand on the door knob Abigail stopped her with some insignificant news, "Keil's having another party tonight, and we're going."

In pure disbelief she looked back at her.

I suppose wondering if the conversation they had never happened.

"Sorry what?" She asked for some form of clarification.

"I said, Keil's having a party tonight, and were going."

At this point her body was facing in Abigail's direction, knowing she wasn't going to get out of this.

"I can't do tonight."

Unsurprisingly this information didn't get through.

Her friend just smiled, and proclaimed, "but we need to go cause it would be pretty weird if Keil's girlfriend doesn't show up to his own party. What do you think everyone will say?"

She sighed, "fine I'll go, right now I need to go."

As she walked past Abigail the hostile presence of her grin left a bad taste in her mouth.

Any who that was the least of her worries, she needed to get out of there, or else she'd be late.

Maneuvering past students, she did her best not to bump into any.

She zipped through halls all while doing it oh so gracefully. Turning around a corner a sudden thud sent her lose papers flying out of her textbook.

"I'm sorry", she blurted out, picking up her belongings, though the unfamiliar stranger didn't help.

Out of curiosity she looked up to get a better view of the stranger.

Unsurprisingly it was none other than Daniel himself. He gazed down at her with a condescending beam.

Seemed he felt it was unnecessary to assist her, instead gawked at her struggling.

Without a second thought she began to get up, once the notes were tightly tucked away.

"I see you're not going to say hi?" Daniel proudly stated.

Ignoring him, her pace increased, trying to flee the scene.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." What Daniel said must have done the trick, because deep within her she could feel her heart sink.

What did he mean by that?

"What do you mean?"

He came nearer so he wouldn't have to shout.

"I'm so glad you asked, I mean I must say you, and Mr. Fern seem awfully close."

Out of nowhere everything seemed to slow down. The sweater she wore all of a sudden squeezed her tightly, suddenly causing her breaths to become erratic.

Trying to play dumb she enquired, "What do you mean?"

His stupid smirk didn't cease to exist, "Well today I was going to go to him to ask about an assignment, and just as I got there I saw you two. So, do you want to, I don't know explain what that was about?"

Scanning her surrounds, she knew this wasn't a great place to have that kind of conversation.

She grabbed onto Daniel wrist, and dragged them both into the nearest empty room. She closed the door before saying, "look Daniel I know what it must've looked like, but it wasn't like that. I know that sometimes when you see something it seems a certain way, but you can never really know until you have all the facts to fully understand the situation."

"I mean I did ask what you guys were doing, but looks like you can't answer that, can you?"

Pretty girl felt herself sweat, profusely.

"Listen he was helping me with the upcoming quiz because I'm not doing ok in class, during our session there was something on my face, and he was just getting it off of me. The only reason I left early was because I had forgotten I had to go to another class. That's all."

He paced back, and forth not believing a single word that came out of her mouth.

If you paid attention closely you could almost hear him softly chuckle.

"Sure, whatever you say." She remained uneasy itching to know one thing, and one more thing only.

"Daniel... can I ask... did you take a picture?"

He stopped in his tracks glaring at her in disbelief, "I'm not that mean. If you don't believe me here you can look though my camera roll."

And so, she did searching through his most recent. There was nothing containing a picture of her, and Mr. Fern.

"See I told you I didn't take a photo, but just by you looking through my phone to check tells me one thing, your story might not be all that true."

She didn't respond, I mean come on, what was she supposed to say.

All she could do was stand there immobile.

"I wonder what everyone elsewill think. guess we'll have to see. Oh... before I leave see you at Keil'sparty."

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