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As a mini reward she went to the cafeteria to buy a slice of pound cake.

It wasn't the typical type were there'd be chocolate, and vanilla mixed together. It was just plain old vanilla, and that was the way she liked it.

She came to the conclusion that she wouldn't receive an 'A+' or anything, however she had a slight inkling she'd pass.

On her way up to her dorm she delightfully chomped down on a piece of the cake.

It had a savory after taste that left a sweet undertone. She hummed while recounting every question on the quiz. She second guessed some of the answers she'd left, though there's no reason to regret it now.

Pretty girl was pleased with herself, she was satisfied. For the rest of the day there'd only be her relaxing, and reveling in her accomplishment.

Nonetheless, her plans halted once she spotted Abigail resting on top of her bed as she came into the room.

No words had been exchanged between the two since yesterday so tensions were high.

Speaking with one another didn't seem like a likely option, making Pretty girl clueless on what to do next.

Looked like Abigail was resting before her next class, and Pretty girl didn't want to leave.

So, she made the executive decision to absorb the uneasy, latent hostility. Going over to her desk to avoid facing Abigail, she carried on consuming her reward.

A few minutes past, and Abigail was ready to leave after their lovely exchange of awkwardness.

She was one foot out the door when out of nowhere Pretty girl called out to her.

"Hey can we talk?"

Abigail twirled around in pure disbelief. She spoke up.

"I think we should talk."

Abigail examined the hands on her wrist watch, and sighed.

She willingly parked herself on top of her bed once again, and guarded herself with crossed arms.

I do believe that she also knew it was high time they had a mature, productive chat.

"Well what do you wanna talk about?" She sternly questioned.

Defensiveness lingered in her tone. There was a mixture of issues she desired to cover. Though where to start was the real uncertainty.

Pretty girl had no prior plan, no thought out speech she could confidently deliver, and suspected she'd be a bumbling mess.

So, instead she mentally listed key points she wanted to deliberate. Yet, what she wanted most was closure of some sort. Did she think she'd get it here. No, but it was worth a shot.

She turned her chair around, straightened her spine, and finally spoke.

"I don't know where to begin, and I don't know if I'll be able to stop, but I'll try to keep this short, and to the point. Firstly, me, and Keil have broken up. I had chosen to break up with him, because I thought it was best for the both of us. Things just weren't working out, and it felt like we lived in two completely different worlds. Whenever I was with him it felt like I was walking on egg shells. I didn't know what to say, or do, and I was afraid I wouldn't live up to his expectations, or the expectations of others. There was too much pressure attached to dating him."

Abigail actually was intently listening for once. Didn't think to interrupt Pretty girl to include her own interpretation of her situation.

Her eyes were glossed over, and her crossed arms loosened. She sat in her stillness intently engrossed in her speech.

"I knew I could never reciprocate his feelings, but I kept telling myself over time things could change, I could learn to love him. But I knew deep down inside I was wrong. And as a result I knew I was hurting him as well, in some sort of way.

I didn't want to break up with him for a couple of reasons. The three main ones were, If I were to break up with him I'd lose everything, well whatever I had left. I'd also be the number one topic in everyone's conversations. And the other reason is it was almost expected of me to eventually date him.

And I would think, 'did I date Keil out of mutual attraction, or because of the pressure from others?' And sometimes it was hard to tell the difference, or maybe it was because I was trying to convince myself I did like him. Also, totally random, but today I think I passed my psychology quiz which I'm pretty proud of. It was something that was bothering me all week so it's nice to know my hard work probably paid off."

Pretty girl was slightly hesitant to continue talking, but honestly there was no stopping now.

"After this week so much has happened, and there's so much I want to talk about, but I know you have some where to be. I also know that I'll never be able to talk about everything I want to get off my chest, and I don't really know why.

However, the last thing I want to say to you is from now on I don't want to be part of the Sisterhood Society. I appreciate you, and Terry introducing me to your club, but I think I should just leave. That's all I have to say."

Once she was finished I was expecting a whole novel to come out of Abigail's mouth. A defensive dialogue to proclaim herself as the victim once again.

And all she said was, "next term I'm going to be staying with Terry, I've made sure of it. So in the future were not going to be roommates, just giving you a heads up. And yep that's all I have to say."

AsAbigail finished she went to the dorms door, and before exiting she left Prettygirl with a farewell.

"Good Luck," Abigail spoke one last time.

It wasn'texactly what Pretty girl was expecting, though she ended up feeling oddly contempt.

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