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They took the trip to Greece and every moment Kate and Avery spent together just only solidified their feelings for one another.
Kate would often find herself gazing at Avery trying to wrap her head around how easy it was to be with her. No expectations, no awkward silence, and she knew she didn't have to worry about someone else catching Avery's eyes because 9 times out of 10 Avery was looking at Kate. Kate loved how it made her feel seeing that intimate sparkle in Avery's eyes knowing it was all for her. Sometimes she wondered what was going through Avery's head when her gaze would shift from innocence to obvious desire, Kate wanted to know all of her dirty little thoughts and she knew Avery wouldn't ever freely tell her, she knew in some small way she intimidated Avery and she both loved and hated it. It was sexy, but she died inside thinking Avery might be uncomfortable with being vulnerable with her.

Kate and Avery pulled apart quickly. All 4 of them stared at one another, silence filled the space.

"Oh, my god!" Marco's mouth stretched into a wide open smile. "I literally just told Stavvy that I shipped you two."

"We- shit. Um don't tell anyone, we want to be private right now." Kate ran a hand through her hair and Avery glanced at Marco and zipped her lip telling him to keep quiet.

"We just don't want the press to know yet. This is very new for both of us." Avery took Kates hand.

"So that's why you turned Aaron down. You know he downed nine vodka tonics at the wrap party?" Stavros added, shirtless, stood by the sink pouring himself some gin.

"Was there a plan for him and I to date? Like promotionally?" Avery asked, seeing Stavros smirk gave her the answer.

"There might have been talks but Aaron genuinely liked you. Doesn't matter now, since you're gay." Stavros sipped his gin. "Yeah he was pretty heartbroken, told everyone you turned him down because you're a lesbian."

"Wait what?" Avery felt her stomach drop. "But...why would he do that? That was my fucking place to say!" Avery squeezed Kate's hand a bit too tightly. Her cheeks reddened from anger.

"Hey, maybe no one will even care." Marco shrugged passively, Avery didn't like that.

"It wasn't his place to tell anyone, let alone an entire film production. Someone's going to tell the wrong person and then we will have everyone in our business I mean...Kate and I haven't even had sex yet!" Avery closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Wow really?" Marco looked shocked. He looked at Kate who just stood there not knowing what to say.

"Not technically but....we just want to enjoy our honeymoon phase. We have been sexual but we haven't went all the way. It's honestly no one's business." Kate lifted Avery's hand and kissed it. "Babe, whatever happens, I'm right here." Kate was looking right at Avery.

"Awww...Stavros doesn't ever look at me like that." Marco glared at the tall muscular man who stood like a deer in headlights with his half empty glass of gin.

"Sweetheart I look at you like you're the most delicious man in the world. You know I care about you." Stavros caressed Marcos cheek with his finger.

"Okay, too mushy. Stavvy and I are going to go tour the Acropolis. You two bitches should stay here and fuck finally." Marco grabbed Stavros' hand and pulled him away.

"Kate...I-I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I was just hoping it would be our little secret a bit longer. I liked sneaking around with you." Avery pouted and Kate crinkled her nose as she laughed.

"You're too cute. Maybe Marco is right, maybe we should stay in and I can make you cum." Kate pressed herself against Avery, her hands roaming around her waist and down to her ass. Avery bit her lip to suppress her moan as Kate gripped her ass, Kate leaned up on her toes and kissed Avery. Avery kissed her back brushing Kate's hair behind her shoulder.

"I want you Kate." Avery whispered against the shorter woman's lips. "I can't wait anymore."

"I won't have our first time in the kitchen." Kate pulled back and smirked, turning and walking away. "If you want me come and get me." Kate took off running prompting Avery to chase after her.

Once Avery made it to their room Kate jumped on her back "gotcha!"

"Hey I'm supposed to get you! You freakin goblin!"Avery giggled and Kate slid off her back and flopped on the bed.

"Yes, I am a freakin goblin." Kate laughed softly. "Looks like we got each other. Come here sexy."
Kate's eyes sparkled, her smile gleaming, her wavy blonde hair spilled across the bedsheets. Avery laid down in Kates arms and kissed her soft sweet lips. Every kiss from Kate felt like meeting god. Kate was most definitely a holy experience. Kate's hand trailed  across Avery's thigh and rubbed circles there as they kissed. Avery knew what she wanted from Kate, so she decided to take charge and pushed Kate onto her back and took off her tank top, Kate's hands immediately cupping Avery's bare breasts.Avery allowed Kate to fondle her chest but eventually pulled away from Kate and got onto her knees on the floor next to the bed and kissed Kate's knee and up her thigh, reaching up and unbuttoning Kate's shorts. Kate raised her hips and she kept eye contact with Avery as she pulled her shorts and bikini bottoms off. Avery broke eye contact to look at the gorgeous sight before her that was Kate and her arousal. She was so pink, so wet, she couldn't stop herself as she dragged her tongue through Kate's folds and up to her clit. Avery moaned at how good Kate tasted.

"Ohh fffuck Avery." Kate let out a shuddered breath as Avery swirled her tongue against Kate's clit, causing her to jerk. "Oh my god you're so good." Kate let out a whine as Avery tightened her lips around her and began to suck. Avery pressed her middle and ring finger against Kate's opening and pushed into her gently, a warm wave washed over Avery as Kate relaxed around her fingers, she withdrew slightly and pushed back in, Kate gasped as Avery picked up the speed of her fingers and sucked on her clit. It wasn't long until Kate orgasmed, pulsing around Avery's fingers, coating them with absolute proof of her orgasm. Avery removed her fingers and tasted Kate, she was sure she could do this always, she didn't even care if she came just as long as Kate did.

"I could do that all day every day." Avery laid next to Kate as she came down. She looked at her dreamily but Kate was looking at her with wild desire.

"My turn." Kate grinned, her hand slipping down Avery's stomach to settle between her thighs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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