Peanut butter cookies and punches

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Avery had to get out of that trailer and out of Kate's space or she was gonna pass out.

Being that close to Kate made her heart race and her knees go weak. It was partially her beauty, Kate turned heads. But it wasn't just how gorgeous she was it was how she sounded, her voice so calming and rich and her scent, Avery wasn't sure if it was Kate's hair or the perfume she had on or it even could've been her breath but she smelled so sweet. There was something else in Kate's presence that made Avery want to melt. She knew if she didn't leave when she had she probably would've kissed Kate. She knew she had a crush on her the first day what she didn't expect was to end up sharing a trailer with Kate. She felt she learned something new from Kate every day. She got to know her more and more and the more Avery learned the more she wanted to know.

As Avery was lost in her thoughts of Kate and also grumbling because the only cookies left were the oatmeal raisin ones, one of the crew members approached her.

"Hey I'm Jason, I just wanted to say I loved your queen Akasha tattoo on your forearm, I never noticed it because you have it covered up most of the time. I love queen of the damned. Such a great movie."

"Watching it was what really pushed me into committing myself to acting." Avery could talk about movies all day, if this guy was the same then she definitely found a new friend.

"That's awesome, so I have the anniversary release box set collection of the making of the movie and I was thinking it would be cool if you came over and watched it and I can cook dinner it'll be like a date." Jason's demeanor switched from friendly to cocky as he smirked.

"Oh uh I'm only into women so...but we can be friends." Avery wasn't going to hide who she was, and she made it clear anytime she needed to.

"Really? But you don't look like a lesbian. Have you ever been with a guy before?" He seemed way too into this conversation and Avery didn't want to have it.

"Dude you can't just ask someone that." Avery rolled her eyes and scanned the rest of the snack table for anything else she might want.

"I'm just saying, lesbians just haven't had good dick is all. Just give me a chance and you'll love it."

"Fuck off man I don't want to sleep with you." Avery said loudly and Jason stepped closer to her.

"You're too fucking hot to be a dyke. They don't like dykes in Hollywood."

"Seriously please just leave me alone" Avery begged the guy but he didn't step back.

"Hey motherfucker get away from her before I break your face." Kate had heard enough of the conversation to know Avery wasn't comfortable and this guy didn't care.

"What? I'm just trying to-"

"I don't care. If you don't leave like she asked I'll make you."

"Just because you're Kate Winslet you think you're big and bad?" Jason laughed not seeing Kate walking up to him and before he knew it she had punched him twice. He fell into the snack table and down onto the floor as Kate stepped between him and Avery.

"I want you off the set. Get the fuck up and go." Kate ignored the pain in her hand and watched as the guy got up holding his mouth and left immediately. Kate turned towards Avery, concern in her blue eyes. "Are you alright? Did he touch you?"

"No, I'm okay. He tried asking me out and I told him I wasn't interested and he wouldn't stop. He was actually starting to scare me."

"These things have happened to me in the past. And it's why I don't take shit from anyone." Kate touched Avery's face. "You sure you're okay?"

Avery placed her hand over Kate's on her cheek and nodded. "All thanks to you. Guess I'm not eating my cookie since it's all on the floor. Even though it was nasty raisins." Avery shrugged and laughed.

"I've got you." Kate reached in her bag and pulled out a peanut butter cookie wrapped in plastic. "There were only 2 left and I knew you would want one so I snagged it earlier."

Avery felt the butterflies in her stomach raving. Such a small gesture meant so much. Avery took the cookie. "You're really the best Kate."

"I try." Kate played it cool but seeing the joy on Avery's face made her happy. "So I'll see you tomorrow bright and early? I'm so tired all I want is my bed. Well, my hotel bed which has to be good enough for now but god I would love to actually be in my bed, naked, pitch black room, that sounds so lovely."

"Yeah now I wanna be in your bed." Avery felt her face burn with embarrassment realizing how that sounded. "Because that sounds like perfect sleeping conditions. Is it cold in the room?"

"Definitely so snuggling in the blankets is way more satisfying." Kate could see the blush on Avery's cheeks and knew it was from the bed comment but she covered it up well so Kate wouldn't embarrass her further by letting her know she caught the comment. "Let's go get some rest so we can come back tomorrow and nail these scenes." Kate walked Avery out just to make sure Jason was gone. If he showed up again tomorrow she would take it higher than her fists. She wanted him fired.

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