Electric, Fire, mind numbing bliss

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Avery successfully ate all of her soup and drank the entire Gatorade bottle. Kate spoke with Brian the producer about a few work related things while she ate some toast and an orange. After breakfast Kate convinced Avery that doing some stretching would make her feel better. She was right but they both overestimated her balance and  Avery toppled forward into Kate, both of them on the floor, their faces just inches apart.

"Shit, oops. I instantly got dizzy, I'm sorry." Avery started to explain, talking a bit fast, obviously nervous and embarrassed and starting to panic and Kate placed her hands on Avery's cheeks. "I'm sorry Kate."

"It's okay. Avery, it's okay." Kate's brows furrowed down. "You didn't hurt me, darling are you okay though, you're terrified as if you did something wrong." Kate watched the tears well up in Avery's eyes as she sat up and sat back against the wall behind her.

"I just feel really bad that you've taken such good care of me and then I fuck up and you could've gotten hurt." Avery angrily wiped at her tears. It was obvious to Kate that Avery hadn't been treated well in her past and this was her trauma response. To Avery, everything was always her fault. It broke Kate's heart. She got onto her knees and crawled next to Avery.

"No it was not your fault, you've been so sick and weak I probably might've pushed you too hard. 3 stretches should've been enough. It's not your fault sweetheart, and I'm fine it didn't even hurt. Don't cry pretty eyes." Kate wiped away a tear from Avery's cheek. "You're always so confident and sure of yourself but you're too hard on yourself."

"I know, I gotta work on it." Avery looked down at her hands. "I gotta undo what my parents built in me. I'm screwed up."

"No. So far from it." Kate cupped Avery's cheek and lifted her gaze to meet her own. "You've been hurt and need to heal. Me too." Kate knew it all too well. They both shared a moment of silence a shared feeling of pain and comfort and trust. "Breaks my heart to see you cry,the hurt in your lovely eyes."

"You think my eyes are lovely?" Avery blushed deeply.

"Mhm." kate licked her lips, her heart was racing now, was she getting too brave?

"Well, since we're sharing, I think your moles are so cute, especially the tiny one right above your lip. And I love how your eyes crinkle when you laugh. And the sound of your laugh, I..." Avery realized her mouth was saying all of the things she had been keeping to herself. Suddenly a rush of fear came over her and as though Kate sensed it, she gently took Avery's hand and realized, Avery feels it too. Their friction, the electrical charge, the magnetic pull.

"Don't be nervous." Kate spoke softly, but honestly she was a little nervous too. Still, she reached up and tucked some of Avery's hair behind her ear, leaning in slowly, pressing her forehead to Avery's. Kate brushed her nose against Avery's, hearing her breath catch in her throat. "Stop me if I'm wrong." Kate brushed her lips against Avery's. The sensation was electric, fire, mind numbing bliss. Kate pressed her lips fully to Avery's, feeling her push back instantly. Their lips moved slowly, savoring each others taste, completely lost in each other for what felt like a small eternity. Avery reached up and slipped her fingers into silky blonde hair, inhaling her sweet scent. Their movements remained slow and patient but the passion was so intense that when they did pull away they were breathless. They were both smiling.

"Holy shit." Avery touched her fingers to her lips. Kate laughed at Avery's response.

"Yeah, holy shit."

Friction जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें