Small spaces

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Avery at 5'7 stood two inches taller than Kate which was perfect height. As Kate leaned back against the table behind her, Avery worked her own skirt off her waist, she raised her knee to step out of it, slowly up Kate's bare inner thigh and against her underwear covered warmth. Feeling Kate's wet arousal seeping through onto her knee. Kate let out a breathy moan and then smirked and pulled roughly on Avery's shirt causing her to fly forward unexpectedly and headbutt Kate.

""Ow!"" They simultaneously said, holding their foreheads.

"Cut!" Lacey, one of the directors groaned. "That looks painful. You two need medical?"

"I'm okay." Kate laughed and rubbed her forehead.

"Yeah I'm good but can we take a break? I've got a headache." Avery continued to rub her forehead.

"No problem we will pick back up in 30, continue right where we left off. The first half of that was just perfect. You two were really selling it." Lacey complimented them and walked away.

"Come with me to the trailer." Avery looked at Kate seriously and walked past her.

Once in the trailer, Avery sat down and Kate stood across from her.

"What's up? Do you need some Tylenol?" Kate asked, concerned until she realized a different look in Avery's eyes. "Oh, Will something else fix it? Want me to kiss your boo boos?"

"All I can think about is how wet I know you are." Avery locked eyes with Kate confidently. "I felt it on my knee."

Kate grinned and bit her lip. "Yeah and? I know you are too. I don't even have to feel. I know for a fact."

"Well, are you?" Avery was dying to know, she was one second from pushing Kate up against the table.

"What do you think?" Kate cocked an eyebrow up. "Want to come find out?"

"Yes!" Avery pulled Kate down on top of her, they managed to not bump heads this time. The radio had been left on from earlier The song "love will tear us apart" by Joy Division was playing so softly it almost sounded unreal mixed with the sound of their breathing as they kissed. Kate's hand pressed against the window as she leaned herself up above Avery. Kate's knees pressed into the seat cushion behind the beautiful woman she had beneath her, her nose brushing Avery's, Kate's sweet breath warm against her lips.

"Do we really have time?" Kate whispered, her other hand brushing dark hair from grey eyes, the tight dress had ridden up her thighs halfway, Avery's hands resting there.

"Please Kate?" Avery asked, feeling a sense of submission beneath Kate's weight. Kate kissed a line across Avery's jaw.

"Fuck it." Kate started unbuttoning her shirt and Avery helped, their hands and fingers fumbled with fabric and bra clasps through kisses, it was particularly warm that day and very warm in their small trailer, their breathing was now almost completely drowning out the music. Soft pillowy lips kissed across Kates Breasts as her hands came up to hold them. She kissed a hard dark pink nipple and then a freckle right next to it. It was so cute, that little freckle, Avery would have to remember to look for other freckles on Kates body when she was less turned on.
"Bite my nipple Avery." Kate said quietly, just above a whisper her voice a gentle command. Avery looked up at Kate as she latched her teeth onto Kate's left nipple. Kate's mouth dropped open followed by a breathy moan. Suddenly the power rangers theme song was blaring in their space. Avery released Kates nipple and watched Kate close her eyes and sigh, hard.

"That's Joe. I've gotta take it." Kate climbed off of Avery and Avery laid there completely flustered, sweaty and extremely turned on. "Hey sweetheart, yes I know I'll turn the camera on in just a moment." Kate looked at Avery apologetically and mouthed sorry as she scooped up a tshirt and disappeared into the bathroom.

"Wow." Avery smiled to herself. She still couldn't really believe any of this was happening, but it was. "Marco is going to shit if I tell him." Avery thought to herself out loud. She couldn't avoid him all the time he was her assistant but he knew the last time she was interested in someone because he's good at picking up on stuff. "Probably should at least text him my dinner order."

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