
Start from the beginning

As we maneuvered our way through the thick crowd I tried my best not to gag at the overwhelming stench of cigars, tobacco's and sweat all mixing in the air to create an awful overpowering smell.

"Baby!" Mel squeals releasing my hand jumping on a frightened Asher who thankfully quickly reacts to catch her before she sends both of them flying to the ground.

"Happy birthday sexy" he tells her placing a kiss onto her gloss lips.

This was cute but at the same time it felt wrong to be watching them so I tore my eyes away and focused on the table packed with various liquors.

I guess Mel was really adamant on getting me drunk tonight.

"Glad to see you back Remi" Asher says pulling me into an unexpected hug after placing Mel onto her feet—which I had missed due to my momentary gawking on the drinks.

I smiled, hugging him back. "It's good to be back"

Parting, Asher frowns and tries to tug down Mel's leather skirt, but that thing was stuck to her thick thighs refusing to move no matter how much her lover pulled.

Mel squatted his hand away making him frown. "It's not gonna move babe" she mentions watching as he tisked.

Asher grumbles something under his breath before passing us two shot glasses filled with what I'm assuming is tequila.

And my night's already off to a bad start.

"Bottoms up babe" Mel states clinking her glass with mines before quickly downing the liquid as if it was water.

Bringing the glass to my lips I tipped it back swallowing the tequila as quickly as possible grimacing as it left a burning trail inside my throat.

"You don't drink much do you?" Asher questions a chuckle slipping past his lips no doubt at my scrunched up face.

"Much more like at all" I made known switching my empty glass to take the filled one from Mel.

"Just take it easy. Don't let that little minx get you too drunk because I can't deal with both of you Intoxicated. I can barely deal with Mel sober"

I laughed at that, my friend was truly a handful.

"Lets go dance" Mel suddenly announces grabbing my hand and tugging me towards the overly packed dance floor as I looked back at Asher for help but instead sent me a small wave.

"Loosen up babe" Mel screams over Ice spice Munch.

I smiled. I never danced before anyone—except for Mel when we were alone back in my apartment. Even though Mel told me I was better dancer than her I found that hard to believe.

A few people stared as she placed her forearm over her breast shaking her ass onto me. Ignoring them, I clicked my tongue at her antics.

"Shouldn't you be doing this to your man?" I jutted my thumb over to Asher who looked as if he was trying his best to hold back from dragging Mel from off this dance floor.

"Don't worry about him babe. He'll be getting his own private dance later"

"I really didn't need to know that" I groaned out as she straightened her posture.

"And now you do"

"And that's enough for you" Asher states, taking my half empty cup from my hands.

I poured, "just one more sip?" I slurred hiccuping at the end.

Mel smiles or at least that's what I think she's doing. It's hard to tell from her blurry figures.

"Isn't she adorable drunk?"

"Mel you shouldn't have allowed her to drink this much" Asher says, placing a cup in my hand. "It's water" he adds.

"I know babe, but she needed this. Especially since all that's been going on with you know who"

He sighs as I place the cup at my head greedily drinking down the liquid, my throat suddenly feeling patched.

"Imma use the restroom real quick then we can go" Mel says quickly excusing herself while I yawned rubbing my bleakly eyes.

Resting my chin against my folded arms I stared ahead watching the many figures of people come and go. Lazily blinking I smiled to myself. This felt nice. The music was no longer blaring in my ears, it was nothing but a dull ache.

Closing my eyes for a bit, I heard shuffling which I assumed was Asher.

"Sorry I'm late. I got held up back at the office" the all too familiar deep voice rang out.

I hiccuped too drunk to actually recognize who it belonged to right now. All I wanted to do was go home and sleep. My bed was practically calling my name.

"Can you drop her home? If not let her stay at your place she's too drunk right now to do anything" I heard Asher practically beg and I could feel a pair of eyes gazing in my direction but I shrugged it off.

"No," he bites.

"C'mon man, I wouldn't ask you if I didn't have anyone else. Just deal with your feelings in the morning and just carry her home for now"

A harsh breath resonated within the space. Not long after I felt an arm scooping beneath my legs and around my back lifting high against him against his taunt chest, his cologne wrapping around me in a comforting manner.

Leaning my head against him, I snuggled into his shirt making his body ridgid.

"Even though you say you're over her, you're clearly lying to make yourself feel better. There's nothing wrong with lingering feelings Nyx, I'd be fucking worried if you actually decide you were over before it actually began. I know you don't want to hear shit from her right now or ever for that matter, but she got kidnapped that day man, who knows what that fucking psychopath told her...showed her or did to her. Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. She never got to talk to you about it and no doubt thinks that you hate her. I'm not saying what she did to you that night was cool but I think with everything happening so quickly overwhelmed her. She just needed some time to herself to think and even if she told you, you wouldn't allow her to leave. I know that Remi would never hurt you intentionally Nyx—at least not from what I heard from Mel. She needs you man and you need her. Talk to her, tell her before she finds out on her own. Because if she does...this time she might never return.

If you truly like her fucking claim her like a fucking man and stop being a fucking pussy. It's the first time I've seen you care about a girl other than Noorie and it'd be a real shame seeing your dumb ass letting her go because of your damn ego"

I groaned shifting as his grip tightened stopping my movements.

"Grazie Asher. I guess you're somewhat useful after all"

"Fuck you dick. You should be worshiping me for talking some sense into your dumbass"

"I just thanked you. Don't push it Krew"

"Jeez I almost forgot how scary you could be"

"Don't come in tomorrow. I'll be dealing with Remi", his voice rumbles.

"Wasn't planning on it. If be too tired to focus on anything anyways. Have fun"

"Idiota" I heard a soft mumble before I succumbed to a deep slumber.

"Idiota" I heard a soft mumble before I succumbed to a deep slumber

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