Before we continue, let's see what they see

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Before we continue, let's see what they see. The main room of the club has been transformed into an authentic 80s disco. Colorful spotlights cast their light around, while the waiters' white T-shirts and socks glow in the black light under their ankle-length pants. A huge silver disco ball hangs above the large dance floor, spinning and sparkling and reflecting the colorful light of the spotlights.

 A huge silver disco ball hangs above the large dance floor, spinning and sparkling and reflecting the colorful light of the spotlights

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Everything reminds of that wonderful and unforgettable time. The room, the clothes, the glasses and bottles, the records and even the machines in the DJ booth. Oh, yeah! He's playing vinyl tonight on a perfectly preserved old record player that cost the owners several hundred dollars, not to buy it, but to rent it for tonight from a collector who owns the largest collection from those decades. Needless to say, DJ had to attend a four-hour seminar to learn how to use this equipment properly and without the slightest possibility of error or damage.

But now back to the normal flow of our story and the reception of the newcomers, because Nicolae and Elena have already reached the door. Elena jumps on Connor, who hugs her tightly, while Nicolae takes Luna's hand, brings it to his lips and gives her a soft kiss on the palm. Then the two boys greet each other with a handshake, and Nicolae introduces Luna to Elena. You see, Connor and Luna had time to somehow get to know each other in the luxurious and of course bulletproof car that transported them.

Nicolae: Here it is, Moonshine. The first and most beautiful specimen of my family. My cousin Elena.

Luna: Your father's sister's daughter.

Nicolae: That's right.

Luna offers her hand to Elena, but having seen several visions of her before, she feels she already knows her and hugs her tightly. Luna is startled at first, but immediately returns the hug with warmth, making Nicolae smile.

Elena: I'm so glad to finally meet you, Luna.

Luna: Me too, Elena. Nic has already told me so much about you.

Elena: Me too. He won't stop talking about you.

Nicolae: Okay, girls. You've said enough already. Besides, we have to go to the others who are dying to meet the new members. Right, Connor?

There Is No Light 🌇 Without Darkess 🌃 - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now