The Strongest People Are The Ones Who Get Hurt The Most

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Although the great night when everything will end for Margaret is only a few hours away, our heroes pretend that nothing is happening. It's difficult, but this is the leader's order and everyone, whether they like it or not, must obey. Of course, Sebastian has given this order so that they can continue to mislead Margaret, not to torture them or anything, and the children know this very well. Still, it remains a torment for everyone and especially for Damon, who has been back at the penthouse for three days as planned, trying to convince Margaret that he's over his breakup with Alice, who remains well hidden on the family land for obvious reasons, as she's supposedly still missing.

Nicolae and Elena live their love with Luna and Connor, but not to the fullest. Nicolae is waiting for the outcome of Valentine's weekend so he can express his true feelings to Luna and finally reveal his true angelic nature to her. And Elena hasn't been to bed with Connor yet, as much as she wants to. She wants there to be no danger hanging over their heads when she reveals the truth to him and they finally consummate their love.

So, they all gather in the living room and get ready to watch a movie. Although none of them need the food, they ordered pizza and beer because, Celestian or not, the movie needs pizza to be better.

The boys, Damon, Nicolae, and JJ, are sitting on the floor around the coffee table when the girls, Elena, and Margaret, come out of the kitchen holding the iced glasses for the beer and the napkins for the pizza.

Margaret, who hasn't left him alone since he entered the penthouse, wants to sit next to Damon, but a pleading look at his sister saves the day. With cat-like movements, Elena does an elaborate slalom, sitting down on the couch behind Damon and positioning her legs to his left and right, forcing Margaret to sit on the other side of the couch. He gives her a kiss on the cheek as she leans over his shoulder to pick up a slice of pizza.

No one can understand Margaret's obsession with seducing Damon. At least not after all that has happened. Who knows? Maybe it's because of her excessive selfishness and greed. Because yes, Margaret has always been a greedy egotist. She wanted everything here and now and when she didn't get what she wanted, she became mean and vindictive. Everyone knew her capricious nature, but no one could imagine how far she'd go to get what she wanted.

Hours later, after several pizzas and beers and three movies, everyone retreats to their rooms to rest. Damon goes to Nicolae's room because his room is occupied by Margaret. Of course, she suggests that they share the room, but he refuses with the excuse that he needs to talk to his cousin in private. She protests, but finally concedes defeat.


Nicolae is in the bathroom taking a shower while Damon rummages through the closet

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Nicolae is in the bathroom taking a shower while Damon rummages through the closet. His eyes light up when a cute, fluffy brown bear emerges from behind a shoebox.

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