Witch's Heart

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The witch takes a few steps back and looks around at the guests with a pleading look. She thinks that since her magic can't save her, they're her only hope. But JJ dashes even that small hope.

JJ: Don't bother. They can't hear you anymore.

Witch: That can't be!

JJ: Try. Scream as loud as you can.

She takes a deep breath and screams at the top of her lungs, but no one in the bar reacts. The couples continue to make out and the men sip their drinks and talk to each other as if nothing happened.

Witch: What did you do?

JJ: Nothing complicated. I just made us invisible and put us on mute.

Witch: Goddam Nephilim!

JJ's eyes shine golden.

JJ's eyes shine golden

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JJ: Try the opposite. I took the blessing of God personally.

In a last desperate attempt to save her bacon, the Witch runs for the door, but she screams again as it automatically closes in her face.

Witch: What the hell?

She grabs the knob and tries to open it, but the door remains firmly shut. She changes direction and runs first to the window and then to the back door, but both react the same way as the door. She turns and looks at the two men who haven't moved from their table.

Damon: Judging by your reactions, I guess your friend didn't tell you the whole truth about us.

Witch: You're wrong. She told me everything.

Damon: Then you're an idiot. There's no other way to explain your attempt to run away from a telekinetic hybrid.

Witch: What the hell do you want from me?

Damon: First of all, I want to know what the hell Maggie is up to with the heavy ritual during the blue moon

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Damon: First of all, I want to know what the hell Maggie is up to with the heavy ritual during the blue moon.

Witch: I don't know. She didn't tell me. She just brought me a spell and asked me to translate it and tell her the ingredients.

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