Delusions Of Grandeur

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Indeed, the next morning Kyle and Katerina bring our heroes the information about Frederick. From the looks of it, he's what we call a blue-blooded vampire. His family was one of the first vampire families with royal blood, but it didn't end well. The whole family was wiped out by the "Guardians of the Natural Balance". All except Frederick, who escaped death thanks to Rebecca.

Do you remember Rebecca? The ancient vampire who fought with Sebastian for the favor of Night and was killed by Lois in the great battle fifteen years ago.

The two, Frederick and Rebecca, were a couple and when the "Guardians" began hunting his family, he left them to their fate and asked for her help. She took him and hid him and that's how he escaped death.

But that wasn't the only time. Frederick escaped death one more time when Rebecca refused to take him to the great battle. It was as if she sensed her impending doom and decided to save him again.

So, he was left behind to mourn the death of his beloved and look for an opportunity to take revenge on her killers. For almost fourteen years he went into hiding, until about a year ago he reappeared ... in Budapest (!!).

Damon: Wait a minute! Maggie went to Budapest when she left me. Does that have anything to do with it?

Kyle: I'm afraid so, Puppy. She went there to meet up with him, and she had even arranged that beforehand. I found footage of the arrival's hall at Ferenc Liszt Airport when she got there and he was there waiting for her.

As long as Kyle has been talking, Damon has been looking him straight in the eye, but now he turns his head and fixes his gaze on Nicolae, who immediately senses the impending doom.

Nicolae: Easy, Damon!

At that moment, the fire in the fireplace becomes dangerously hot and the many filled vases begin to rattle as the water inside begins to boil. The ground under the foundation of the house shakes like an earthquake, while outside the wind begins to rage and whip the walls of the house.

The others look around anxiously as Nicolae and Jason run toward Damon. Nicolae grabs him by the shoulders and Jason activates his calming power, focusing it entirely on him.

Nicolae: Calm down, buddy. Destroying the place won't do any good.

Damon: Do you actually realize what's going on here, Nic? Do you realize how big her betrayal is? I thought she was just after me, but she's out to destroy us all

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Damon: Do you actually realize what's going on here, Nic? Do you realize how big her betrayal is? I thought she was just after me, but she's out to destroy us all.

Nicolae: She's going to pay for everything, Damon. We'll all take care of it, but we'd rather do it inside these walls. Please calm down!

Because of Nicolae's words and Jason's power, Damon takes a few deep breaths and the elements around him calm down. He drops back onto the couch and runs both hands through his hair. Nicolae takes a seat next to him as a precaution, while Artemis quietly thanks him and Jason for saving their home.

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