An actors life

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A/n: we are in april 2021 just to clarify. Fuck off I know the timeline is a bit all over the place but it makes sense in my head.

Gwendoline's pov


She broke down. I pulled her gently into my lap and she sobbed on my shoulder. I tried to comfort her but she was inconsolable.

As she slowly calmed down, I grabbed her a glass of water and carried her to the bedroom, piling blankets ontop of her and sliding in next to her.

Once I could no longer hear sobs and only steady breathing, I knew she was asleep. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. I too fell asleep.

"Gwenny?" I was awoken by Olivia's small whispers.

"Yes my baby?" I opened my eyes to find her head buried under the blankets.

"I think he hates me."

"Oh Olivia!" I pulled her into my lap and squeezed her tightly.

"He doesn't hate you my precious, I think he was just trying to make sure you didn't get hurt."

"But what if he does Gwenny? I yelled at him."

"Darling, you never had a relationship with him until you were an adult. You lived on the otherside of the world. You were constantly travelling. You would've had many arguments as a child if you lived together."

"I wasn't supposed to tell anyone I was getting knighted!" She giggled.

"I'm proud of you baby. You've done great things. I'm always here. And I think you should become Sir Olivia Spielberg but you know, tradition."

"Well I should be! Ser Gwendoline Christie and Sir Olivia Spielberg!"

"But yours is real honey!"

"So is yours. Well not yours but your character." She shrugs.

"But that's amazing. And I'm sure your dad is proud of you."

"Ok. I'll call him later. Can we go shopping tomorrow?"

"Yes Olivia, we can."

Since it was getting late, we ordered Chinese and cuddled in bed while watching a cringey rom-com that Olivia starred in years ago.

"Can we go away soon?" She asks.

"Yeah baby, where to? You have the houses or we can book a hotel."

"List the options."

"So we have LA, London and the Australia house. Then there's the Swiss Chalet, the lodge near the Alps, the villa in Italy, the Villa in Greece and the place in Costa Rica. So are we feeling warm or cold?"

"Hmmmm." She thought for a moment.

"I want to stay in Greece, we haven't done that for a while. And remind me I need to sell the Costa Rica place and the one in the Alps, I don't need those." She shrugs and goes back to watching the TV.

I giggled about how casual she was about her houses but I contacted her estate agent and set up a meeting for her.

Eventually, Olivia fell asleep and I turned off the TV and curled up with her.

The next morning, I awoke first and that allowed me time to do a bit of work and admire my girlfriend.

After a while of watching her sleep, I flicked open plane flights. I wanted to go back to London before we went away and then we needed to pick when to go to Kos.

Soon the beauty beside me stirred.

"Afternoon beautiful." I giggle as she rubbed her eyes cutely.

"Mhhhhh morning. I need to go back to London Gwen, I'm sorry." She groans.

"It's fine Liv, I wanted to go back. And I was just looking when you want to go to Kos. I was thinking July?"

"Late June/Early July. I need to leave for a job in August."

"Aww will you be home for your birthday?"

"Yeah i leave the 4th. I'm so sorry angel." She apologises.

"It's ok baby, I have a few jobs."

She smiles and nods and falls back asleep.

~2 days later~

Me and Olivia weaved our way through Heathrow Airport, avoiding fans and cameras.

We met her driver and he took us to the house.

"Baby, Where's Alex?" I asked, I hadn't seen her in months.

"She's had some family issues so I gave her a year off. It'll he OK Gwen."

Once at the house, we unpacked and Olivia went straight(gay) to her office.

I watched TV until she emerged at 9pm.

"Olivia Spielberg! Why have you worked for so long."

"I'm sorry. I have this new Tv show I'm working on and it's so painful. This director wants a few very famous people and since I know almost of them, it's my job."

"So you aren't directing?" I asked curiously.

"I'm staying on set for the whole time, getting paid still but I'm mainly in design and writing for this show, the director seems to think I'm the best." She shrugged and slumped next to me.

"Can you spill me any secrets?"

"Yeah I guess since nothings confirmed and I trust you. I actually haven't signed my NDA yet so I can tell you. He wants, Cathy, Luis Guzman, Jenna Ortega and Christina Ricci as main characters. There's one other role we need to decide but we are having an inperson meeting tomorrow. I know exactly who I want in this role. Then there's more characters that need filling. As for designing, I'm doing shit. I've explained my vision but the team can't get it across. But we have a new designer coming in tomorrow so it'll be fine. It's slightly easier cause it's set in a school so I have like uniforms and stuff but there's a few other characters I need to work on. The other role we are looking to fill, I know my exact vision, Hitchcock heroine type feel. I have a few inspiration photos but it all comes down to the actress." She said and it wad all very fascinating.

"So can you tell me who this director is, or mystery actress you want it to be? Character name? What on earth with Cathy, Luis Guzman, Jenna Ortega and Christina Ricci be doing in a school!"

"All in good time my love. Its going to take a lot of persuasion to convince then of the actress so I'll keep it a surprise until i know. But anyway how is my favourite Lucifer coming along?"

We sat and spoke for hours about work and the industry, it was nice.

Little did I know, everything Olivia said was true, ans I would find out the very next day.

1080 words

Any guesses of the TV show? Hahaha you'll know it. But I hate this already.

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